Photos by Meir Alfasi

Photos: Visiting Aharon Hakohen’s Grave in Jordan

In honor of Rosh Chodesh Av, the Yahrtzeit of Aharon Hakohen, several Lubavitchers traveled from Israel to the neighboring Kingdom of Jordan to pray at his final resting place on Hor Hahar.

Photos by Meir Alfasi

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  • What are the pictures?

    Can someone explain why there seems to be a palace carved in the rocks? Are those caves homes or are they part of the lever? Explanations with the pictures would be nice.

  • Amazing

    This looks like a very cool trip. The second place in the pictures was Petra. It was an ancient city in the Dessert. I wanted to do this trip for as while and happy to see it looks safe sort of safe to go now.

  • sublime

    These pictures are just sublime. So many years later and yidden are there once again.

  • wondering

    How does any one know where Aaron is buried?

    Who lived then and perhaps lives now in the carved out mountains? Any one out there in cyber space knowledgeable about this?

  • Were some of those ppl wearing the keffieh's Jews?

    I hope not, because they were the shiur requiring tzitzis and they would have been oiver lavim d’oraisa.

    • not

      head wrap is not a beged. Also, have you ever worn a scarf? was it not rectangle?

  • cant tell......

    Whose a Yid & whos not in the pics. Also i think the Torah does tell us where Aharon was buried but not where Moshe Rabbeinu is buried. great pics!

    • 770

      Some sefaardic orhtodox jew from moroco use to wear Rashi and R. Tam together.

  • Inspired

    It takes a bunch of amazing and out-of-the-box spirited jews to do something like this! Kuddos!!!

  • whats with the headpiece

    what are they thinking wearing that arab garbage on their heads
    mmm can be to keep the heat off i think a cap would of done the same thing
    mmmm is it cool?
    cant be that either that is so uncool
    so why would a person in their right mind want to wear that?

  • Hey was that Tzvi Moskoff in one of the pix?

    Amazing Tzvi, long time no see, you are always exploring the Jewish planet… great going and keep it up… What a journey into Aaron Hakohen’s gravesite. It simply boggles the mind… You must have had to deal and wheel with the Jordanian Tourist Dept. Keep on keepin’ on.

    Toronto Fan

  • yisroel

    dose anyone know of this – aharon hakohen kever address i could find this on Google maps?

  • mendel

    I would have loved to be on awesome trip like that, Hope you guys had a blast