SHOCKING VIDEO: Jewish Man Viciously Beaten

FAR ROCKAWAY, NY — A Jewish man was viciously beaten by a gang of 4 thugs in Far Rockaway Sunday evening. The man had stepped outside to  take a phone call and surveillance video captured the entire incident.

The incident occurred Sunday evening in front of 990 Channing Road which is in the neighborhood of Far Rockaway in Queens.

An NYPD spokesman told VIN News that the crime is being investigates as a robbery and not as a hate crime since the suspect made off with the victims iPhone.


  • WTH

    Why do they sit there videoing when they should be calling police and chasing these goons down. Whoever was videoing this incidence is equally guilty for this guys iPhone being stolen

    • Anonymous

      Did you ever think that perhaps it was just a surveillance camera and the video was viewed later???

    • To # 2

      They were videoing a screen, showing the video, that was taken by a camera.

  • 4 sons

    If Obama had 4 sons, they would look just like these kids.

    All wearing hoodies.

  • to #2

    This is after the incident. They are just filming the video on a screen.. what the surveillance camera captured as mentioned in the article.

  • To Number 2

    It was a neighbor’s surveillance camera. No one was operating it. Great, so now every person committing a hate crime knows you just steal an item too and the police won’t classify it as a hate crime. The video shows that they weren’t only committing a robbery. The beating wasn’t necessary for the robbery. 4 against 1 he would have no doubt given the phone to them without being attacked from behind.

  • to 2

    the people talking are not filming it live. they’re watching the video after the event took place.

  • OP

    I am just as miserably unhappy with Obama, but your comment sounded really unintelligent. Not a compliment to this website or to frum Jews. Think before you post.

  • Equal opportunity racist

    To # 6:

    Same with former president,”James E. Carter.”

  • human taking the video

    as you can see the person taking the video keeps panning to get a perfect shot of the beating

  • Anonymous

    If you, like the man in the video, are attacked, try to at least draw blood or tear an article of clothing off your attackers for the purpose of getting DNA for later analysis.

    By the way, it has just crossed my mind that the cowardly thugs in the video may have failed to think they may have put themselves in the position of the possibility of harsh “extra-judicial education” at some point down the line no matter how long it takes to find them.