Running Rabbi Completes Marathon

The Guardian

A running Rabbi became the first ever Jewish orthodox leader to take part in the London Marathon yesterday.

Rabbi Odom Brandman of the Buckhurst Hill Chabad began the day by saying a prayer by a seven foot high prayer banner at the starting line before beginning the 26 mile run in four hours and 45 minutes yesterday (Sunday.)

Rabbi Brandman asked God to “direct our steps in peace and bring us to our destination in life, joy and peace” before embarking on the race in full beard wearing his traditional head covering and Tzitit tassels.

Rabbi Brandman said: “It was an amazing day, even if I am a bit sore. The crowds were amazing and so supportive.

Explaining what inspired him to run the marathon he said: “I want to show, firstly, that Rabbis are real people, that we can be down to earth, in touch with people on the street and can be approachable.

”If I’m going to preach to people that they can change their lives, turn things around for the good, step out of their comfort zone to do good things, I need to show that I can and will do that too”.

The Rabbi, who is married with three children, has become something of a local celebrity since deciding to embark on the race with his training video ‘Go Rabbi Go’ receiving over 4,000 hits on YouTube.

“A lot of people recognised me and said they had seen me on Facebook, I guess my fame must spreading”, said Brandman.