This Summer Chinuch Kinusim

This year, the annual Kinus Hamechanchim will take place on Sunday Rosh Chodesh Tammuz, July 3rd and Monday Tammuz, July 4th. The Kinus Hamechanchos will take place on Monday 23 Tammuz, July 25th and Tuesday 24 Tammuz, July 26th.

A number of organizational conference calls and meeting were held in February and the following themes and issues have emerged:
How to foster positive interpersonal relationships in our Talmidim and Talmidos
How can we raise our expectations and standards?
Attitude issues: how to foster a positive attitude toward what we stand for

Curriculum Issues:
Tefilla: How to raise expectations and achieve what we expect
Chumash: The new Cyber teacher center, what we build together
Divrei Yemei Yisroel: What and how to impart

General ideas: matching Scholarships for attendees, fostering dibuk cheveirim among our professional staff, ….and much more

Kinusim committees are still in formation and all ideas and suggestions are welcome Mechamchim and Mechanchos are requested to contact the Chinuch Office to share their thoughts or to volunteer involvement.

For questions and comments please email