Long Awaited 770 Albums Arrive!

The wait is over! The highly anticipated 770 albums have been delivered to Tzivos Hashem headquarters, and will be arriving at participating schools in a matter of days.

The album, described as “a picture tour of 770,” takes readers on an extraordinary journey through the history of 770, providing a concise, yet detailed history of each room, along with beautiful pictures which bring the building to life. As part of the Chayolei Tzivos Hashem program, children can earn 320 stickers to be placed in the album.

Young Shluchim, participating as part of the MyShliach program, have already received advanced copies of the album. Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, of Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch, describes the album as a treasure for both children and adults alike. “The album is wonderful tool for parents to sit with their children and discuss so many vital Chassidishe concepts.”

Tzivos Hashem Director, Rabbi Yerachmiel Benjaminson, enthusiastically touted the album saying, “Many children today are sadly unaware if the beautiful history of 770. They have never seen the Rebbe, and this album will give them a taste of what it was like in 770. The album, however, is not just about teaching history. While depicting the journey Chabad has taken in the last generation, it gives children an understanding of the final steps that have to be taken towards our goal of uniting 770 with the Beis Hamikdosh.”

The Album is a collaborative effort between Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky and the staff at Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch, Rabbi Yerachmiel Benjaminson and the staff at Tzivos Hashem and Rabbi Elkanah Shmotkin and the staff at J.E.M. The benefits of a team effort are abundantly clear in this stunning production.


  • YAY!

    YAY!!!!! All the students are SO excited!!
    Thank YOU Tzivos Hashem for the beautiful Albums and all Your heard work!

  • Thank you!

    To Merkos and Tzivos Hashem – Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky and
    Rabbi Yerachmiel Benjaminson may Hashem bless you for all that you do!

  • Yechiel

    How do I get one for my child? Will it be in stores? I saw it at the kinnus, it is absolutely beautiful. Well done to everyone involved!

  • To forklifter

    Notice that the container is packed loose; apparently someone forgot to have the boxes palletized before it shipped. I am wondering how long it took them to unload…

  • Jose the Shlepper

    to forklifter:
    you cannot palletize freight from China. The US does not allow wood to come in the country. Also, shipping costs money and they like to maximize the space for actual products.

  • mom

    they are REALLY nice books!! My daughter is so proud of hers, and at thae shabbat table she was so proud to show it off!! thank you!!!

  • mendy

    wonderful now! how can some one living in the holy land get a hold of some for there kids?