Elul Zman at YNS Tzfas

TZFAS, Israel [CHI[] — What an amazing Elul zman it has been with bochurim filling the zal with the sounds of Nigleh and Chassidus. A very exciting event took place at the Chai Elul farbrengen when Hatomim Shneur Zalman Yanover made a Siyum Mesechta. The farbrengen went into the wee hours of the night with many stories told over of what Chassidus added to the world and the lessons that should be learnt of what Chassidus adds into our own personal lives.

The following week the bochurim celebrated yet another Siyum Mesechta that was made by Hatomim Yedidya Rittri. The highlight of the siyum was that Reb Chaim Rittri, Yedidya’s father, flew in from Switzerland to surprise his son. It was very emotional especially at the point when Yedidya spoke and said that this is the first time in a very long time that he is able to believe in himself. He thanked everyone for believing in him and that got him believing in himself. The Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Orimland commented what a great way to end off the Elul zman and head into the upcoming year with two siyumim within the last twelve days of the year 5768.

The bochurim also had a Tzeischem L’shalom farbrengen for the Shluchim. As the bochurim got up to speak they all commented on the tremendous impact the Shluchim had on them this year. Rabbi ‘O’ was at a loss of words when he wanted to thank the Shluchim properly as he said there are no words that are adequate enough to describe his thanks to Hatomim Hashliach Yossi Lewis, Hatomim Hashliach Mendy Cohen, Hatomim Hashliach Shlomo Yager and Hatomim Hashliach Zalman Lever for everything they did for the yeshiva and for the bochurim. The Mashpia, Rabbi Levi Wilchanski told the Shluchim that the Rebbe once commented to another Shliach that once a Shliach always a Shliach. They should take these special powers with them and use them in their future years to come! The Shluchim conveyed a message to the bochurim that it was the bochurim themselves and not the Shluchim who made the yeshiva what it was. The Shluchim continued saying how much they’ve learnt from the bochurim and that this year was actually their best year of their lives. Emotions were running high as the Shluchim said Chassidim don’t say good-bye so until the next time……..

Rabbi ‘O’ told the bochurim that he looks forward to another successful year after Tishrei when the new Shluchim come. Rabbi ‘O’ finished off that he hopes to see the bochurim and the Shluchim who will be in Crown Heights for Tishrei at his farbrengens. For yeshiva interviews please contact HYPERLINK “mailto:office@ynsisrael.com” office@ynsisrael.com or 718-360-8275(direct call to Israel).


  • Y+S

    Yedidya we’re so proud of you!
    Mazel Tov, keep it up…
    Can’t wait to see you soon in Yerushalaim!

  • Chaim Rittri

    Dear Yedidya, we are very proud of you! What a way to start the new year! May we share many good things together! Thank you Rabbi Orimland and th staff of the yeshiva who supported you so much. Your parents

  • Jischai

    Dear Jedidja! I am Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo proud of you! and I love you Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!your jischai.

  • The Lewises

    As much as we’re looking forward to seeing our son, Hatomim HaShliach Yossi Lewis when he returns to Crown Heights on Sunday, we know what an incredible experience & Zchus he had this past year & just how hard it is for him to leave. Every step of the way along was a glowing report of how much he loved the Yeshiva and the depth of his respect & affection for every Talmid & for the Orimland family. We are grateful for the opportunity Yossi had to really be an integral part of this incredible place, YNS.

    We had the pleasure of meeting a couple of the students & we were very impressed…well-mannered, refined, friendly young men who are a credit to their families & their Yeshiva.

    Rabbi & Mrs. Orimland, may Hashem bless you with much Nachas from your family & students, & may you go from strength to strength in all you do.

  • chasha


    you should go from strength to strength!!!
    we’re going to try and be at one of your farbrengens in c.h………..imy’H
    g’mar chasima tova!
    chonon and chasha r

  • a MA graduate

    Very nice!
    kol hakavod!
    Rabbi Levi Wilchanski was THE best teacher i had in Tzfas!!

  • Miriam Marks

    WE are so proud of Yeshiva Nishmat Shlomo.This yeshiva has made it possible for every bochur to reach inside himself and achieve tremendous heights.
    What an amazing 5768 it was.
    Now its 5769, Tehai Shanah Siman Tov and we are all confident that it will surpass previous years in learning and achievements. Hatzlacha Rabba and Gmar K’tivah V’hatimah Tovah!

  • Issac & Chanie Begun

    We as parents, are very proud of Shlomo Mordechai’s accomplishments in Israel for the last 3 months, especially regarding learning nigleh and chassidus. We can’t wait to hear the siyum. It is music to our ears. Our hakoras hatov to Rabbi Orimland and his aishes chayil for going the extra mile and choosing to see things always as a challenge. May Hashem continue blessing and guiding you all in everything that you need. A gut and a gebentsht yor.

  • Yale Ziimmerman

    Yasher Koach to ALL the boys on fantastic work. We are sooooo proud. Everyone should be sealed for a wonderful year, physically & spiritually!! The Chicago Zimmermans