Girls of Toronto’s Gan Israel Greet Camp Patrons

Although Canadians celebrate July 1st as Canada day and the 4th of July is a regular working day, Mr. Sidney Spiegel was pleased he took the day off and flew up with his wife Naomi to visit the fledgling new overnight Camp Gan Israel in Haliburton, Ontario.

As the primary patrons of the newly developed site, they were overwhelmed by the incredible spirit and enthusiasm of the campers. So too, the spacious dining room and state of the art kitchen were beyond their expectations. Arriving during breakfast the campers welcomed them with cheer and a hearty Bruchim Habaim.

In his welcoming remarks Rabbi Zalman Grossbaum, the Shaliach to Ontario noted that this year is precisely 300 since the Baal Shem Tov at the tender age of 14, began to promulgate his novel insight of what constitutes genuine Ahavas Yisroel. That year “Tof Ayin Bais” was coined Tavo Alecha Bracha. Hence, Rabbi Grossbaum continued, permit me to extrapolate “since Gan Israel is named in honor of the Baal Shem, the added Shin (300) makes provisions to recognize this inaugural year of our camp Gan Israel as “Tavo Shama Alaichem Bracha.” In zechus of the Baal Shem Tov, “Let there be much Bracha in his newly dedicated northern “garden.”

In expressing his delight, Mr. Spiegel said that ”it’s quite obvious that counselors and campers are having a wonderful summer, invigorating the body and nurturing the soul. This is only a beginning of a facility which we intend to enhance year after year.”

Before taking a tour of the site, bunkhouses and lakefront, Mr. Spiegel was honored to affix a Mezuzah at the main entrance to the dining hall and the Shul building. While there is still room for the August boys’ session, the girls’ session is Baruch HaShem full to capacity.


  • happy parent

    My daughter bh is having a fabulous time. Thank you so much to everyone involved!


    heard amazing things about the camp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    wish my daughter could have gotten in………

    and they say the food is unreal!!!!!!!!

  • Old Torontonian

    I heard amazing things about this camp. Also anything that Rabbi & Rebbetzine Grossbaum do is always done par excellance and to give the Rebbe much Nachas!

    Much Hatzlacha

  • Mushky Wagner!!!!!

    hey!!!!!!!!!! looks like ur having a great time!
    love rivka….

  • head staff

    thanks to an incredible staff we are having an incredible time!!!

    love the head staff

  • Rabbi Zalaman and Itche Grossbaum!!

    What a team! Head shluchim Rabbi Zalaman and Itche Grossbaum are leading the way! Thank you! We waited 20 years for a camp to open and it finally did! For that we must thank Moshe Lipshitz for creating a kinas sofrim friendly “bunk competition”!!

  • Thank you Moshe Lipshitz

    Thanks to Moshe Lipshutz for putting positive pressure and resources to get the camp going. We waited so long for one camp and now we have TWO excellent camps to be proud of.

  • Rivky T.

    camp Gan Yisroel toronto rox!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!