S. Florida Camps Unite in Honor of Gimmel Tammuz

Nine camps from South Florida joined together for the annual CGI unity day, organized by Rabbi Shmuly G. of Chabad Youth Network of Florida.

An incredible program was planned; beginning with a beautiful rally followed by a delicious lunch and an unforgettable show by Bello the clown. The camps that participated were CGI of Parkland, Neytz, Bal Harbour, Sunrise, Landow North Miami, Hallandale, Boca Raton, Weston and Aventura.

As the CGI buses pulled to a stop in front of the Landow campus, campers jumped off their buses and headed straight to the main field, anticipating the excitement of the day. Tents were set up for each camp to sit in the shade and enjoy the rally. The array of different color camp shirts worn by the campers, all sitting together was a beautiful sight to behold. Water and ices were distributed to quench the thirst that the hot Florida sun brings! As Rabbi Shmuly G introduced each camp they cheered with all their CGI spirit. Rabbi Mendy Weiss shared a few inspiring thoughts about Gimmel Tammuz. Tzedaka was distributed and Tehillim was said. Ices and raffle tickets were given out as campers representing their camps recited the 12 pesukim. Lively music was played by Ari Cattan and got everyone cheering once more.

In high spirits, yet ready for some air conditioning, the campers headed inside for a delicious lunch of pizza, chips, and lots of refreshing watermelon. Everyone returned to the field, the show was ready to begin! Bello the clown took center stage and wowed the crowd with his stunts, jokes, and amusing antics. At the conclusion of the event amazing prizes were raffled off and mega balloons were given out to each camper. The feeling of achdus was in the air and clear for all to see.

A special thank you to Shauly Snovsky, Dovi Calabro, Ari Cattan and to all the dedicated volunteers for making this day the incredible success it was.


  • your fans

    shmuly g you are the best keep on rocking
    keep up the good work and give the rebbe lots of nachas

  • Zadie and Bobbie Gold From Manchester

    Hi Devorah Leah Gold, just saw you on one of the pictures, have a great time, even though I did not see the rest of our grandchildren I know they are having amazing time.

    Thanks every one for all your effort in makeing day camp the best.