Hatzalah Member Involved in Serious Accident

Brooklyn, NY – At around 5:00pm yesterday, Sunday afternoon a very serious accident took place at the intersection of Remsen and Avenue B. Eye witnesses say that they had observed the Hatzalah member driving at outrageous speeds before blowing through the intersection without slowing down for the red light and collided with a red Lexus.

More pictures and a video clip in the Extended Article.

The car that was struck by the hatzalah member was driven by a Male Black who sustained injuries and was transported by FDNY EMS to Brookdale Hospital. there were other passengers in the hatzalah member’s car as well. The impact sent the Lexus into a silver Hyundai which was traveling in the other direction on Avenue B which subsequently hit a parked car and damaged a gate of a home on that corner.

Eyewitnesses said that they had observed the car driving at reckless speeds with lights and sirens and was even pulled over by police officers two blocks before the accident occurred. it is unknown if the officers issued any summonses. Eyewitnesses further stated that when the Infinity came up on the intersection, it did not slow down at the red light (as is required by law for emergency vehicles) and just ran through the intersection and collided with the Lexus, who had the green light.

A small crowd began to gather around and started asking questions such as “Why did he have lights and sirens?” “Why didn’t he slow down for the intersection?” and “Why did he not consider driving safer under the extremely hazardous weather conditions?”. A Yiddishe worker from an ambulance company that was on scene said “what a big Chilul Hashem this is, driving recklessly in this kind of weather condition under the name of Hatzalah…”.

The Hatzalah member was transported by Hatzalah ambulance along with the passenger he had in his car, to the New York Methodist Hospital for further checkups and observation.

CrownHeights.info learned that the Hatzalah member was officially a member of the Canarsie hatzalah division and was responding to a call in Canarsie from Crown Heights. According to the Hatzalah guidelines, a member is not allowed to respond at such distances, and the Hatzalah dispatcher was not informed that he would be responding from Crown Heights.

A meeting with the Central Hatzalah is going to take place today in order to decide if the member should be suspended. An anonymous source in Hatzalah told CrownHeights.info that this particular member had attempted to join the Crown Heights division of Hatzalah but do to the fact that he is not married, among other reasons, he was not allowed to join. Instead he opted to join through a ‘backdoor’ or ‘loophole’ by joining through another Hatzalah Division.


  • ch hatzalah

    i think it was not apropiate to write what you said about this hatzalah member he is one of ours even if it was true and you are not the one to judge or publisize what happpend you surely dont know the nature of the call was if it was code 1 or could of been code 1 or what ever it was us hatzalah members put tireless effort and hours in saving lifes every single day 24 7 no body is perfect people make mistakes but to go write what you said about him how he got in or how fast he drove its none ones buisness its chilul hashem if g-d forbid it was your family in need and you called hatzalah you would want them to come fast to your family member its discrase for what was written in this article hamalbin pinei chaverim berabim ein loi chelek leolom haba

  • Mendy

    Nothing but a show-off… how cool and macho does he think he is now? Throw the punk out!

  • wondering in CH

    Can it be confirmed that said hatzolah member was indeed responding to a hatzolah call? He does have a long history of abuse of emergency lights. Besides if he was indeed responding on a CONFIDENTAL Hatzolah call, why was there a non hatzolah member in the car with him?

  • why

    typical of him….why does he always drive like a meshugane???
    why does hatzolah take people like him?

  • puh-lease

    so sick of all these guys who want to look cool by being members of Hatzolo and drive fast with lights and sirens… get a life for heavens sake, you’re doing more damage than good here!

  • a shliach

    OMG this is not fuuny what a bad name the jews now have and Webby was this guy a chabadnik
    I sure hope not

  • !!!!!

    attention why:

    who are you to say people like him!! he saves lives and hes good “awesome” at what he does.

  • !@#$%^&*

    Mr. Crownheights.info- why are you writing this article in favor of the black man driving the lexus? Have you any compassion towards your own kind – the hatzolah member was injured, and you have the nerve to write such nasty things about him?? This will only initiate a blog full of loshan horah, critisizm and the like. What has become of your website?



    He is NOT and it was stressed by EVERY SINGLE member of Hatzalah that he ISNT a Crown Heights Member. The member is a young kid that lives in Crown Heights, who manipulated a loophole in which Canarsie Hatzalah, being that they don’t have enough responding members allow some leniency and accept young guys.

    I know for a fact that this member was reasoning to a BLS (Basic Life Support) Call, with absolutely no reason or justification to respond from Crown Heights into Canarsie. Hatzalah was warned that he was a loose canon and that this would happen. And unfortunately it did.

    The major Chilul Hashem took place, he nearly killed himself, his passenger, the driver of that Lexus, The driver and passenger of the Hyundai, and any pedestrian that was walking on the sidewalk.

    He should be kicked out of Hatzalah for this display of utter disregard for everything around him. Responding to save one life doesen’t EVER justify endangering anyone else, not even the member himself.

    I hope CHinfo will be reporting us some good news in the future regarding his termination.

  • ATTN: CH HATZALAH (first comment)


    please read carefully:

    IF the call was REALLY a “code one” where someone’s life was in danger, then hatzalah should have dispatched a close unit (not coming ALL the way from crown heights which is at least a 15 minute ETA if not more, especially in this weather). (from what i hear hatzalah dispatch was NOT aware of the distance where this unit was coming from).

    EITHER WAY, as i was saying… if the call was REALLY a serious emergency, then they should have gotten closer units, or called 911 like they usually do when they cannot find a close unit.


  • ME..........

    to everyone who is asking webby why he wrote this story and why he is in favor of the black man……GET A LIFE!! YOU DONT LIKE IT DONT READ IT, JUST B/C SOMETHING ISNT IN FAVOR OF A YID DOESNT MEAN ITS WRONG. yidden do wrong too. you dont want to know about it, dont come to this website where webby lets us know facts! just b/c ur embarassed that it actaully was a yids fault, then go let it out on someone else, dont take it out on webby.
    i hope he has a refuah shelamah and i damn well hope he learnt hes lesson whether he was or wasnt on a call! whether is he was or wasnt doesnt mean that this wouldnt have happened either way.
    Webby….thanks for keeping it real.

  • Mad in West Side

    I gotta concur with FULLY INFORMED. he obviously was a loose cannon and should have never been taken in to hatzoloh.

    There is absolutely no excuse for driving so fast and recklessly on any call for that matter. Your safety and innocent bystanders safety comes first.

    Was he ever warned? Who took him in? Why? Did anyone look at credentials or other sources. It is typically very hard to get into hatzoloh.
    I understand most are denied outright – it is a tight tight club and rightfully so.
    How did he creep in?

  • responding to yosef yitchak

    att yosef yitzchak k.

    It was obviously blurred for a reason

  • Dudes.

    Why is there so much darn commentary & controversy regarding this insignificant news item? It doesn’t matter who he was, whether he was black, white, yellow, or green, whether he is from crown heights or from some other community. There was an accident – that should be the end of discussion until the fine details are carefully laid out, or until you’all find something more important to discuss. Chill!

  • chill out

    could everybody just relax it seems as though everybody is crashing here on the website. the main thing is that he should have a refuah shleimah b’karov and moshiach now!

  • calm down

    i agree. everyone just chill and take it easy. stop arguing and just daven for the hatzolah member.

  • to !!!!!!

    people like him” i hope if i chas veshalom ever have need of hatzolahs services the people that respond are competant and confidental. hatzolah of crown heights hes the right idea about taking married and responsibal members.


    Hatzalah is the most important, life-saving organization we Jews have. The Meiseros Nefesh these men have, the dedication they show for OUR good health, is unparalleled.

    IF (and it is an IF) there was any wrongdoing by this member I am certain Hatzalah itself will take the appropriate action.

    Meanwhile, let’s give credit where credit’s due to all Hatzalah members who rush to save our lives. It’s not our place to chew anyone out, least of all Webby who does an invaluable & timely job of keeping us informed.

    Volunteerism is a thing of the past. People are too wrapped up in their own tiny lives, the best, most expensive stroller on the market, the latest car, the fanciest vacation, the next deal. Do all you critics out there VOLUNTEER???

    How many of you are in Hatzalah, Shomrim, Chevra Kedisha (may they be out of business NOW)???

    As for a Chillul Hashem…sadly, we see these every day in all areas of life. Anytime a Jew behaves badly it’s a Chillul Hashem. Think about it every time you spit in the street, drive fast & drunk, yell at or G-d forbid slap your kids in public, complain obnoxiously in a store, cheat on your taxes, etcetera!!!

    Our job IS to be better than non-Jews. We know better, they don’t.

    Support Hatzalah & Shomrim…they are there for us like no one else.

    And quit whining.

  • part 1 - 911 Responding ambulance worker

    For the record,
    1. What exactly are these ‘outrageous and reckless’ speeds at which the member was allegedly driving?
    2. The eyewitnesses saw they responding vehicle being pulled over by police, they stayed on scene long enough to then witness the accident two blocks away, though mysteriously somehow didn’t witness if he was issued a summons or not?!
    3. Where did you pick up your latest copy of ‘The Official Hatzalah rulebook, Policies & Guidelines for 2007”? Being that Hatzalah is a private organization of which you are not a part, there’s no way you can be sure what the exact guidelines are, and whether there were any exceptions made for certain individual members!
    4. As a member of a ‘911 participating member of EMS’ ambulance company, I can vouch for the fact that 911 dispatchers will send an ambulance to calls much further away from their location than the *7 minute* drive (without lights and sirens) from Crown Heights to Canarsie, which is obviously much shorter when you’re legally using lights and sirens in a responsible manner!
    5. Again being that no member of this news reporting agency is part of the Hatzalah organization, and due to the fact that most information regarding the organization is kept confidential; how can you know for certain that the dispatcher wasn’t informed of the area from which he was responding, or that there was/will be a meeting with the ‘Central Hatzalah’ to decide anything??
    6. Not that it makes any difference at all to the content of this particular story, but even if it did matter, the fact that this particular member allegedly wasn’t accepted to Crown Heights Hatzalah (according to your anonymous tip), and instead vied to join the Canarsie division, has *nothing* to do with a “‘backdoor’ or ‘loophole’”, rather it has to do with joining a division of Hatzalah in a an area which you frequent often, e.g. area of work, home area, families home area which you visit often, etc.. Especially if the times at which he is those areas the respective area is in need of more members.
    7. As you find it important to protect the identities of the parties involved, as is demonstrated by the fact that you blurred the license plate number of the red Lexus, which was lying on the floor. How can you then post comments identifying the driver of the vehicle by his Hatzalah call-number!?
    8. In consensus with a few of the rational commenter’s on this article, if the member and his passenger were both taken to the hospital “for further checkups and observation”, why didn’t you ask you readers to say some Tehillim for the injured, unless there a hidden personal vendetta here between you and this particular member of Hatzalah, or the organization as a whole.
    9. To ‘puh-lease’; as is mentioned by another commenter on this article, Hatzalah is “a very tight tight club” and they don’t accept ‘these guys who want to look cool…”, they HAVE A LIFE, a dare I say probably a much better one than yours sitting by a computer writing criticizing comments about some of the greatest members of our community, the ones who give of their time whether they’re busy with family, work, or sleeping, to provide an essential FREE service to those whose lives are in danger! Not to mention, that what they ARE doing here, is one of the greatest acts possible, saving a life!
    10. To ‘a shliach’; How bad of a name does the NYPD have now that they have had an accident (reported on this site) on Montgomery St. & Kingston Ave. while responding to a call, or the numerous other accidents they have been party to, here in our community, or throughout New York City! How bad of a reputation does the Fire Department, or the state EMS systems have, or the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA – City Busses and Subways) for that matter, They have all been in accidents, serious ones, and never the less, we still ride the busses, call the police, fire, and EMS when we need them without thinking twice, maybe they’ll be involved in an accident en route to the scene. Accidents are a fact of life, an unfortunate one at that, but none the less, a fact that cannot be changed, and given the weather conditions at the time of this accident, there were even more forces at work than just the driver and the fact that he was employing red lights an sirens, e.g. high winds, low visibility, loud rain, etc.. So no this didn’t give Hatzalah a bad name, the only thing which is giving Hatzalah a bad name is the insane commenting on this article, the personal bashing, and the bias way the article was written without proper investigation of the facts.

  • part 2 - 911 responding ambulance worker

    11. to ‘FULLY INFORMED’; Let’s assume for a minute that you really are as informed as you say, although you prefer to remain anonymous while in the same paragraph you go and identify the member involved in this incident! So assuming “EVERY SINGLE member of Hatzalah” did stress that “he ISNT a Crown Heights Member”, he never claimed he was, he wasn’t responding to call in Crown Heights either. What does it matter where he lives; he is a member in an area that he frequents often enough to qualify for the organization, which is no one else’s business aside for the organization themselves.
    Assuming again you know that he was responding to “a BLS (Basic Life Support) Call”, a) you don’t know that there was no justification to respond from Crown Heights, and b) as you claim he was responding to a basic *LIFE SUPPORT* call, to support, protect, and save a LIFE. It was a call which would justify driving a car on shabbos, and to me that means it was an important call. Not to mention, that there are BLS calls, which can be life threatening, and extremely time sensitive.
    12. to ‘ATTN: CH HATZALAH’; first off he was responding according to you from Crown Heights, which as I said earlier is a 7 minute drive to Canarsie without using lights and sirens legally and responsibly. Secondly There may not have been any closer units available at the time, or they needed a backup unit to respond and he was the closest available unit at the time. Thirdly in response to why they didn’t dispatch 911, they might have dispatched 911, but while waiting for the 911 ambulance to respond, which can take over 8 minutes for a critical ‘code 1’ call. Until you have the various details please don’t criticize an organization, which spans 3 continents, and actually does something productive, SAVING LIVES.
    13. to ‘ME………’; We are not asking why Webby is writing an article “in favor of the black man”, rather why he is writing an article biased against the Hatzalah member. It’s not wrong because “IT ISN’T IN FAVOR OF YID”, it’s wrong because this is an article which doesn’t bring us facts. Contrary to your excuse “this website where webby lets us know facts!”, many of the quotes in this article are opinion, and some are just mere speculation, e.g. ‘outrageous speeds’, ‘reckless driving’, the various Hatzalah guidelines, the meetings and their content taking place in Central Hatzalah, where and how he attempted to join previously, and the ‘loophole or backdoor’ through which he allegedly eventually did join.
    14. to ‘Mad in West Side’; “Who took him in?” Hatzalah of Canarsie, “Why?” Because he has the skill and know-how to do the job right, “Did anyone look at credentials or other sources?” Aside for the Coordinators who accepted him, the Department of Health which issued his permit for driving with lights and sirens, The insurance agency which covers his vehicle as ‘an emergency response vehicle’, the other members which worked with him and know how skilled and professional he is, the answer to you question is I suppose NO, No one looked at his credentials. He is well skilled, qualified, certified, and knowledgeable in this field. “How did he creep in?” By filling the requirements, and being accepted, presumably to be politically correct though, he didn’t creep in, rather walked in proudly!
    15. to ‘Dudes.’; as much as I agree with you, there is a lot of useless commentary & controversy here, people are writing because they either have a personal vendetta against the individual, or the organization he represents, are bored with nothing better to occupy themselves than spreading rumors and writing nonsense, or they feel a responsibility and need to protect those that put so much of their life away to help others without ever asking for reimbursement or recognition!

  • Rochel

    May he have a Refuah Shlayma.
    what does all this mean,
    all these bad things happening, Mrs Rosen (may she rest in peace),
    the v teck shooting ( many jews in that school….
    how much longer can we take it??????
    May we merit the coming of Mashiach Soon!

  • End the Lashon Hora

    I am happy to see that in a world that is supposed to try and bring mashiach closer, all of you are making sure he stays far away.

    Lets look at the facts
    This guy, like it or not, volunteers his own time, to help others. He was involved in a accident, while trying to do just that.

    I do not know all the facts, but I can see from the original post, by CH.INFO editor, that he does not like this kid, keep in mind a fellow Yid.

    We have all seen what damage the internet has, and continues to do, and being from Crown Heights, where the Rebbe left a legacy of helping one anotherd, and to do mitzvos to help bring the Geula, you guys are doing the opposite.

    May the ribono shel olam have mercy on all of klal yisroel, and bring the geula quickly.

  • rather not say

    the member who got into the accident if a wild man ever since he was a kid so him getting into that accident it seems like him

  • Israeli Soldier (chabadnick EMT)

    ATTN Puh-Lease:

    your exactly the kind of person that turns good ppl away from joining hatzalah. if ppl wouldn’t automatically say that all theys ppl are looking for action you might have the kind of ppl that actually want to do it for the right reasons to save a jewish life which is likened to saving the whole world.

    dont get me wrong im not at all saying good about what this person did in a reckless manner. i work in the field too and if theres one thing i learnt is you cant run to a call like that cuz your worthless to the patient if your dead and no ones life is worth more then your own. i hope everyone learns from his mistake.

  • Hatzala member

    Ever since Hatzala threw out six selfless devoted members a bunch of years ago, the quality and professionalism of Hatzala both in Crown Heights and the rest of the city has detiorated tremendously. It is a result of this that there are such members in Hatzala.

  • Shmuli

    very well written.

    great comment!





  • EMT6861

    You know, I am not even jewish.But, what I do know is that all EMT’s (jewish or otherwise), are all trained the same way and have the same rules. We, are all supposed to look out for our own lives first due to the fact that we are no good to a patient if we are dead. The manner in which I was told that this person was driving is considered to be beyond reckless. Now to let you know i volunteer as well and in the organization where i volunteer, I would have been suspended on the spot (pending further inquiry)and most likely terminated. It is people like this that leave a bad name for all volunteers not just the ones that wear yamulkah’s. I am very embarassed to even put myslef in the same class as this person as an EMS professional. Oh, and one more thing. What this kid did had nothing to do with god or moshiach (did I spell it right) or who ever you want to bring up. These were the actions of a irresponsible person. Maybe hatzalah has the right idea with the set of rules they have about joining. Thank You and Good Night.


    As a Hatzoloh member, I would have to say that it is a very important organization and it is not important where the member is from. As in any job out there whether it be Police or any company out there, you will always get a rottrn apple and this should not ruin the name of hatzoloh or any organization that does good work. The first lesson that an EMT is taught is THE SAFETY OF YOU AND OTHERS.

  • Who Are you kidding Non Jew

    To EMT6861 wrote:

    You are pretty informed for a “non Jew”.

    But you look pretty dumb pretending to be non Jewish.
    1. Non Jewish people refer to yarmurkahs as Kippas, but you figured it out, and how to spell it!
    2. Why do you feel the need to stress that you are not Jewish right away?
    3. It is pretty cool that you know “moshiach” and the correct spelling (unlike most non jews who spell it with an a).
    4. Did you spell it right?- ya you did.

    I have to give you credit though, you are of the very few on this site that actually spells correctly.

    But you have managed to fool a fool: No Chidush to fool yourself!!!!

  • point2ponder

    webby, You must’ve been going pretty fast yourself judging by the fact that the Hatzolah guys and their rig was still on scene. And if your gonna say u took ur time and didn’t race to the scene u r only proving the point that going into canarsie from crown heights is not such an unbeilevible thing…. especially if it’s to help someone better then to knock them down..

  • H in east Side

    nice thought out response above with all the commentary. While I agree overall he obviously should not have been accepted but I hear he does take calls and takes them mostly at night in MillBasin and canarsie where there is very little if any coverage. It is very commendable for a guy to get up constantly at night period. I guess this is all open to debate.

    to the dude who mentioned CH hatzolo went down hill an dall the rubbish about 6 guys suspended – yeah we know who you are. Likely one of the disgruntled six members (if it was 6 units…) still ecking and smarting from the potch. Well guess what, you guys got what you deserved and let me tell you CH Hatzolo is better then ever without you hot heads. You were no better then this guy then that unfortunately got into a mess now.

    If you are in hatzolo then you’ll know everyone likes all the CH members and they are very well apprecaited and liked in all areas as great bunch of guys. The post reeks of jealosy and remorse ! Time to move on with your life.

  • An onlooker

    Wow that was powerfull, “WHO ARE YOU KIDDING”
    Did you even think for a second that maybe he took the spelling from the previous posts????
    But anyway an amazing head like your’s should be used to figure out gemara not ch.info comments.


    Scary things have been happening here…maybe Crown Heights should start being more careful with Tznius! We need more s’yata d’shmaya! Examine your acts and determine if we are welcoming Hashem into our lives! This will make a difference to the Shalom in the world!

  • concerned

    TO Hatzala member:

    would you say that it’s better to call 911 instead of hatzalah?

  • IN REASPONSE to 911 Worker - Part 1

    This is an item by item response to your comment. I myself work for a private ambulance company and volunteer from my free time on a 911 ambulance.
    My responses are in bold.

    1. What exactly are these ‘outrageous and reckless’ speeds at which the member was
    allegedly driving? –

    the new york state dept of transportation set the general rules, or law if you will, for the operation of an emergency motor vehicle as follows. “all emergency vehicles must proceed with “due regard” yes this can be interpreted in different ways, but the law also says that if the vehicle is in an accident, they were obviously not proceeding with “due regard”, or in other words, proper caution. Hence, driving without due regard, or without proper caution, is considered “outrageous and reckless”.

    2. The eyewitnesses saw the responding vehicle being pulled over by police, they stayed on scene long enough to then witness the accident two blocks away, though mysteriously somehow didn’t witness if he was issued a summons or not?! –

    there were numerous witnesses on scene, perhaps some saw the accident and some saw the vehicle being pulled over. Put it this way: a man walking in to his house sees the vehicle pulled over. He finds it interesting and then goes inside his house. A few minutes later he hears a big bang and comes outside and he sees the same vehicle now in an accident two blocks down. He walks to the scene to get a closer look because his curiosity is drawn. He is then later asked about what he saw and he says “well I saw the vehicle being pulled over by a cop car, not sure if they gave him a ticket or not, he was driving really dangerous”. Does it “mysteriously” make sense to you now?

    3. Where did you pick up your latest copy of ‘The Official Hatzalah rulebook, Policies & Guidelines for 2007”? Being that Hatzalah is a private organization of which you are not a part, there’s no way you can be sure what the exact guidelines are, and whether there were any exceptions made for certain individual members! –

    first of all, Webby has many, many friends and close contacts who are involved with Hatzalah. EMT’s, medic’s, and coordinators. Second of all, it doesn’t take a lot to realize that responding to a call deep in Canarsie, coming from Brooklyn north/central (border) is really not smart, or responsible! Hatzalah is known for their swift 3 minute ETA’s. the average ETA for EMS is four to six minutes. In other words, this call should have had a 911 EMS bus which sits a few blocks away, rather then a hatzalah member who was coming from four miles away.

    4. As a member of a ‘911 participating member of EMS’ ambulance company, I can vouch for the fact that 911 dispatchers will send an ambulance to calls much further away from their location than the *7 minute* drive (without lights and sirens) from Crown Heights to Canarsie, which is obviously much shorter when you’re legally using lights and sirens in a responsible manner! –

    yes it is true that sometimes EMS is extended. This happens to everyone and is sometimes simply unavoidable. However this is not the case here. The hatzalah dispatchers have to “activate the system”/call 911 on a daily basis because they cannot get a unit within a four or five minute ETA. The Hatzalah dispatcher should have, and WOULD have called 911 for this call if they would have known that this member was coming from crown heights.

    Check out this map: http://maps.google.com/maps

    5. Again being that no member of this news reporting agency is part of the Hatzalah organization, and due to the fact that most information regarding the organization is kept confidential; how can you know for certain that the dispatcher wasn’t informed of the area from which he was responding, or that there was/will be a meeting with the ‘Central Hatzalah’ to decide anything?? –

    ok, to clarify for you… there are people who are part of ch.info who are closely involved with hatzalah. Second, hatzalah is not so confidential as you keep on insisting. It doesn’t take a lot to ask a member of hatzalah who is also a good friend some questions about hatzalah’s policies. Furthermore, ch.info has been back and forth on the phone with hatzalah coordinators in regards to the incident.

    It’s quite simple, as you know (being that you are a “911 responding ambulance worker”) Hatzalah & 911 radios are all open to anyone with a scanner, so what you are saying is that confidential information is being transmitted over open air frequencies and anyone can listen to it. Personally I know that he responded from Crown Heights because I saw him take off from Montgomery Street with his passenger in tow and I hear him respond to the H-Base call (abdominal) “on extended”.

  • IN REASPONSE to 911 Worker - Part 2

    6. Not that it makes any difference at all to the content of this particular story, but even if it did matter, the fact that this particular member allegedly wasn’t accepted to Crown Heights Hatzalah (according to your anonymous tip), and instead vied to join the Canarsie division, has *nothing* to do with a “‘backdoor’ or ‘loophole’”, rather it has to do with joining a division of Hatzalah in a an area which you frequent often, e.g. area of work, home area, families home area which you visit often, etc.. Especially if the times at which he is those areas the respective area is in need of more members. –

    he does not live or work in, or near canarsie. {I don’t consider crown heights as “near” canarsie} but the point of webby putting this fact in the article is to show how crown heights hatzalah did not want this particular person for a valid reason. This person then went and “vied” to join hatzalah in a different division where he is not as well known.

    So one division is desperate for members, they take un-married members, why would a division (i.e. CH) have to suffer? So I know for a fact that he was not allowed to pickup calls in the CH and there were forces in the CH Div. that wanted to have him out and they nearly did on the grounds that he doesn’t live in Canarsie. So he went and moved in with on of the K coordinators to make it look nice.

    7. As you find it important to protect the identities of the parties involved, as is demonstrated by the fact that you blurred the license plate number of the red Lexus, which was lying on the floor. How can you then post comments identifying the driver of the vehicle by his Hatzalah call-number!? –

    it seems that it was corrected and removed. I must assume it was posted in error, as there are never any identifying factors published on this site as to the identities of those involved in accidents.

    8. In consensus with a few of the rational commenter’s on this article, if the member and his passenger were both taken to the hospital “for further checkups and observation”, why didn’t you ask you readers to say some Tehillim for the injured, unless there a hidden personal vendetta here between you and this particular member of Hatzalah, or the organization as a whole. –

    he was released from the hospital about twenty five minutes after he arrived, no need for tehillim to be said sweetie.

    9. To ‘puh-lease’; as is mentioned by another commenter on this article, Hatzalah is “a very tight tight club” and they don’t accept ‘these guys who want to look cool…”, they HAVE A LIFE, a dare I say probably a much better one than yours sitting by a computer writing criticizing comments about some of the greatest members of our community, the ones who give of their time whether they’re busy with family, work, or sleeping, to provide an essential FREE service to those whose lives are in danger! Not to mention, that what they ARE doing here, is one of the greatest acts possible, saving a life!

    I second that! But regardless mistakes do happen. Hatzalah is comprised of (B”H) so many able and willing members that respond to calls at all hours of the day and night and anyone who would have the audacity to say bad about such an organization is just fool and heartless person.- no one is belittling hatzalah here. Yes it is true that the hatzalah members volunteer their own time, they drop whatever they are doing night and day to help people in need. However, there are rules, policies, and common sense that must be obeyed.

    12. to ‘ATTN: CH HATZALAH’; first off he was responding according to you from Crown Heights, which as I said earlier is a 7 minute drive to Canarsie without using lights and sirens legally and responsibly. Secondly There may not have been any closer units available at the time, or they needed a backup unit to respond and he was the closest available unit at the time. Thirdly in response to why they didn’t dispatch 911, they might have dispatched 911, but while waiting for the 911 ambulance to respond, which can take over 8 minutes for a critical ‘code 1’ call. Until you have the various details please don’t criticize an organization, which spans 3 continents, and actually does something productive, SAVING LIVES. –

    if EMS was called, they would have been 81 by the time he got there from crown heights!!! (I assume you know what 81 means)

  • IN REASPONSE to 911 Worker - Part 3

    13. to ‘ME………’; We are not asking why Webby is writing an article “in favor of the black man”, rather why he is writing an article biased against the Hatzalah member. It’s not wrong because “IT ISN’T IN FAVOR OF YID”, it’s wrong because this is an article which doesn’t bring us facts. Contrary to your excuse “this website where webby lets us know facts!”, many of the quotes in this article are opinion, and some are just mere speculation, e.g. ‘outrageous speeds’, ‘reckless driving’, the various Hatzalah guidelines, the meetings and their content taking place in Central Hatzalah, where and how he attempted to join previously, and the ‘loophole or backdoor’ through which he allegedly eventually did join. –

    do you question the new york times, or the daily news? Either read the website or don’t. ch.info doesn’t need YOU. 2nd, this is the story and this is what happened, the pictures pretty much say it all. Deal with it.

    15. to ‘Dudes.’; as much as I agree with you, there is a lot of useless commentary & controversy here, people are writing because they either have a personal vendetta against the individual, or the organization he represents, are bored with nothing better to occupy themselves than spreading rumors and writing nonsense, or they feel a responsibility and need to protect those that put so much of their life away to help others without ever asking for reimbursement or recognition! –

    something must be wrong with this individual if so many people are speaking negative about him! Where there is smoke, there is fire, and here I believe is a three alarm…. You follow?

  • Anonymous


    Good thinking! Only you fail to notice that this accident happened a mere 10-15 blocks down Remsen Avenue. The trip time on that is under 2 minutes, even in the rain, and Canarsie is still a good 5 minutes away. This is also the reason why I decided to go to this particular accident, its proximity to Crown Heights.

  • get better soon

    refuah shleima
    why is it always the bad
    of evryone not the good

  • yaakov235

    to who are you kidding non jew you obviously dont know many non jews

    “people who live in glass houses shouldnt throw stones”

  • EMT6861

    I am not, nor have i ever been jewish.
    But, I do find it funny to think that someone can be so ignorant as to say that because I spell certain terms correctly. What, because i am not jewish, am I supposed to be an idiot.
    I’ll let you know I have a great deal of jewish friends and maybe i have picked up a thing or two along the way.
    Despite what you may think, their are intelligent people in this world that are not jewish.
    So get off your damn high horse.
    Ignorant people like yourself are the root of why people find it so hard to get along this day and age.

  • mush - ATT - EMT6861 wrote:

    EMT6861 wrote:

    If your jewish or not your so right i know jewish that work as an emt have non jewish friends and so to w non jews and ppl do pick things up wen theey r around ppl 4 so long okay am i right???????????????


    To EMT6861:
    I dont think that you understood
    ‘who are you kidding’. that commenter thinks that you are pretending to be non-jewish, he is obviosly a naive fool. dont be insulted. but i do agree with your last point, and im sure anyone with their head screwed on stright would agree.
    To all crown heights.info readers;
    didnt you ever hear of typos?????? just because there are spelling mistakes doesnt mean that that the person doesnt know how to spell. people make more mistakes when they type than when they write by hand. maybe those people chose not to proofread their posts, and there is nothing wrong with that, this site is informal!

  • Why hate?

    Aderaba, Ten blibanu, shenira kul echod malas chaveiranu, VLO chesronom!!!

  • to webbys reposnse to point2ponder

    Actually to be honest the trip time is closer to nine minutes regular driving without rain according to google! And the accident was closer to Canarsie than Crown Heights. Not to mention you have yet to publish an MVA this far out of Crown Heights on this site aside for the Hatzalah ambulance accidents a while back.


  • Anonymous

    One more response:

    Off the top of my head, here are 4 accidents and 2 fires that well all further out then this incident that I covered. (not including the aforementioned ambulance accidents)



    The Hatzalah ambulance left the scene more then once only to be called back by police in order to ask the driver more questions, I left the scene before the ambulance did for the final time! Also, when I showed up ESU was already moving the cars off the road which means (by my experience) that I arrived on scene more the 20 minutes after it occurred.

  • to webby

    I apologize, I obviously didn’t know how long the drive took you, I was just going by what you wrote in your post about the drive time being under 2 minutes, not 20. If it did take you 20 minutes to get there, then the original comment wouldn’t make sense either.

    As far as the other articles you mentioned, Apparently I missed them, being that they are reported so sporadically, and I don’t read every single article published. Again I apologize for the misunderstanding.

  • Israeli Soldier (chabadnick EMT)

    to all in regard to EMT6861
    i know this man personally and can tell you he is not jewish but a very kind person who takes the time to understand other ppl that dont come from the same background. which is how he knows so much terminology as well as customs. and all i can say is i second exactly what he said.