AGAIN! Bochur Struck by Van Crossing Busy Parkway

Just a day after shocking video revealed a Bochur miraculously escape being run over with just minor injuries, another Bochur attempted to cross busy Eastern Parkway in the middle of the block and was run over by a minivan.

The incident occurred at around 7:50pm in front of 770 Eastern Parkway. A Bochur attempted to cross the street some 300 feet from the crosswalk, only to be stuck by a minivan in the middle of the busy thoroughfare.

Hatzalah was immediately called and began treating the victim at the scene. He was later taken to Kings County Hospital, thankfully with only minor injuries.

This incident comes just a day after surveillance video from Empire Boulevard showed another Bochur attempt to cross the street on a red light, only to be run down by a pickup truck. He too miraculously walked away with only minor injuries.

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  • another moron

    I hope he is ok but if you are moronic enough to cross in the middle of EP what the heck do you expect will happen?

    and just an after thought the 25mph slow zone is absolutely useless

    • Anonymous

      This is actually a perfect case showing that the 25 mph zone is not useless. As a driver I find the 25 mph a pain but the honest truth is that if that bochur had been hit at 10 mph faster (i.e. if the limit was still 35) he probably would not have just been walking away with only minor injuries.

    • Selfish

      25mph doesn’t stop morons from crossing when they shouldn’t. But the proof is in the pudding – the victim is in the hospital as opposed to someplace worse.

    • Who knows??

      Who decided how fast the driver was going?? Just because the speed limit is 25 that doesn’t mean much. Sorry for breaking the news to you…

  • make a cross bridge or subway entrance

    Maybe a cross bridge for pedestrians or a subway entrance across the street so that people could go across underground could be made.

  • motti

    You rather loose a minute of your life then your life in a minute!
    Wait for the light…


      you mean

      A MINUTE

  • Grateful

    How unfortunate that people don’t value their life and how fortunate we are that hotzalah is always there when needed

  • Selfish

    So selfish of these thoughtless and wreckless youth. Wasting precious resources over their stupidity.

  • Mavin

    Anyone who would cross such a busy street in the middle of the block must have been hit by a car once before — in the head.

  • they should be fined!!

    MAke a deterrent. Its terrible that it is waaay too common. Something!!!!

    I hope the bochur is ok and has a refuah shleima

  • Alex

    Every 5 minutes some idiot runs across EP, Rabbis should explain to them to use the crosswalk like normal people – EP is not a one way street,u dont cross it in a middle EVER. The cops should give every idiot who jaywalk on EP $500 ticket,to protect their own lives.

  • death wish?

    Are these guys really so stupid? DUH.

    Are they waiting for one to be killed R”L before they use some common sense? The way they are going, it won’t be long till there are serious consequences. THINK!!!!

  • Cholent Mit Kugel

    Dope. Gawd! Where are these dopes educated. Hmmm Oholei Torah?? I thought that that 25 mph was just a suggestion….

  • sigh

    Most unfortunate is that people use this news as an excuse to bash the bochur (when who of us hasn’t crossed the street somewhere other than the crosswalk assuming it’d be fine?) instead of wishing him a refuah sheleima, thanking Hashem, and privately taking your own messages about safety.

    • Safety is for everyone

      We can wish him a refuah sheleima and thank Hashem, but we also must make a point of spreading the point about safety. Obviously, if there are people crossing in middle of a street for some reason, they dont realize its effects and we must point it out ti them.
      Yes, we are responsible for one another. We worry for the safety of all Jews.

  • citizen

    Let these incidents be warnings to everyone to pay attention around traffic. These people are lucky their injuries were minor. Likely, the lower speeds helped to make these situations less deadly than they could have been.

  • leiby

    please teach the boys to cross safely.
    its very important to save other peoples lives spiritually and physically. but we must teach the boys to value their own lives.
    these two stories are not coincidences, it is clearly due to the lack of caution.
    please lets make sure this does not happen again.
    hatzolah great job on saving.
    we must make a campaign to prevent 50% of these incidents by us being careful.

  • moron ban moron

    Why doesn’t the city and the community board make a fence on both sides of the street that will be year round not like the barricades that are only there in Tishrei (like the fence that’s on Utica and Eastern Parkway)

  • sw

    the roshei yeshivas can’t just be in atzilus. A dignified proper rosh yeshiva tells the bochurim basic safety and self care. What is this, the Rebbe always supported and demanded general self care. They just cannot do that.

  • Larry

    To #17 thank you well said. And by the way does anybody actually know the speed the car was going

  • disagree with 17

    he’ll be fine.
    When u say that – it sounds pathetic
    When are you folks going to get the message abt safety?
    It boggles my mind to read silly comments.
    He is darn lucky period and should be home schooled if he cant figure out what he did wrong.

  • Cholent Mit Kugel

    Safety is taught in first grade at least. If child out that day, parents should teach their children. DON’T expect teachers to raise your children…horrible if you do.

  • Masmid

    I am a bochur and I cross EP often but never at the light.

    My time is precious.

    Many of you don’t realize that 3-5 minutes X several times a day X 7 days a week adds up to: an omud of gemarah, a perek Rambam, an ois of a maamar and a sicha too.

    On a weekly basis, this translates into a great gain or loss over the year.

    Here is where you people went off track:

    You people have no appreciation of time or learning to really value saving or wasting a few minutes of a bochur’s day.

    • Silly

      Are you for real? Cross in the middle of the road and you won’t have much of a chance of learning again!

    • Anonymous

      the torah writes vchai bahem.
      yuo claim that you need to learn alot. we say by shabbos for a choileh “better be mechallel shabbos for him once so he can keep many more shabbosois” the same can and should be said over here. better “waste” these few minutes, and not learn whatever you claim (i don’t know how you’re learning so much so quickly) an dbe able to learn later on without being in a hospital bed or worse ch’v

    • Masmid's Chavrusa

      I would like to add another viewpoint to what my chavrusa wrote.

      Everything is hashgocha protis. HKB”H is the one who causes EVERYTHING to happen in this world (except for our bchira to do mitzvos).

      If a bochur is R”L hit while crossing the street – this is EXACTLY what was meant to happen. It is UNAVOIDABLE.

      Hashem caused it to happen. It was all part of Hashem’s plan. The bochur would have been hit crossing at the light or even if he would have stayed indoors.

      This is basic 101 Emunah that every frum yid believes in. We are NOT “masters of our destiny” and we cannot control our “fate”.

      We must do what we can in our avodas Hashem – learning, davening, motzvos bhidur and the rest is not in our hands.

      Finally, “shomer p’sayim Hashem” (Hashem guards p’saim (literally “fools) those who serve Him without chochmas and cheshbonos.

      You who commented to dispute hashgocha protis are of little faith (maybe you are of zero emunah).

    • Masmid

      Your points are made as ba’alei batim (daas baal habayis haypech Torah).

      Our grandparents in Russia went through greater dangers then jay walking in order to learn a few minutes. These grandparents would laugh at your comments and advise me to ignore your words!

      Indeed, some R”L were sent to Siberia and or executed for learning. But did that stop them? Did they make your cheshbon that better to be safe then take a risk to learn Torah? They also knew of “v’chai bohem”!

      Since when do you know what Hashem wants or what the Rebbe would say?

      Our grandparents were true chassidim and kedoshim. I have their blood pumping in my veins.

  • straight in the oncoming traffic

    I live and drive on EP and am appalled at the behavior of the young men dashing against traffic;
    sooner or later this was bound to happen; sadly I doubt even one Bochur will take the events to heart


    to # 30 it so happens there is a torah commandent to guard your health,so many people would make more an effort if they knew about this torah law,that also includes mercury fillings in your mouth which are toxic,the same goes for quality water filter. keeping the rambam commandent of filtering water actually works in your favor,protecting your health as the body is 85% water,the cleaner,the healthier you will be,awhile it true we are depended on hasham with his mitzvahs and learning torah,we are entrusted to guard your health,this is a commandent from the torah,l cannot stress this enought,so many have died when it’s possible they could have lived

  • Follow.The.Rules.

    drive the speed limit, drive sober, look before crossing, and cross at the light. there’s a reason they are laws!

  • From a Driver on EPkway

    I understand the urge to cross in the middle and save time, etc, but as a DRIVER it is very scary to almost run someone over, and certainly chas v’shalom to actually be the one to do so. I have been in that position many times. Think : You’re not only endangering yourself by crossing a BUSY street, but the drivers also. And to Masmid, maybe you should learn something baal peh and recite it or listen to 3 minutes of a shiur on an ipod when you take the extra 1/8 block so there’s no bittul Torah. Better yet, leave early in advance.

    • Masmid

      You suggest learning while walking (“u’velechtecha ba’derech”). You suggest we review what we know by-heart.

      I am sure you mean well, but obviously you have been too long away from yeshiva.

      Let me put it this way, would you “think through” your business decisions while walking in the street? Would you plan your budget by-heart?

      The quality of learning from a sefer is incomparable to learning by-heart while on the run.

      Learning is serious business for yid. The world was created for yidden to learn Torah.

      Do you know why Hashem allows Eastern Parkway to exist? For the learning of Torah! So if someone is driving on EP, he should be aware that those who learn Torah are supporting the existence of EP.

      Is the driver upset that he must slam on the brakes because a bochur is saving time to learn Torah?

      Sorry if you need to brake for a bochur who learns Torah and creates the merit for the street to exist.

      You also call it laziness to save a few minutes instead of walking to the corner. Maybe it would be laziness if the time saved would be spent doing business, but learning Torah is “amellus” (toil).

  • @ #34

    yes, everything is hashgacha protis, but we have free choice. Our choices don’t only effect ourselves but also those around us. What about the drivers of the cars? Do you think about them and possibly the kids or passengers in the car that may get hurt by your inconsiderate save of a minute to learn. HaShem wants you to learn but not at the expense of your life or that of others I’m pretty sure. And it’s not a question of your emuna if you wait at the light and don’t risk people’s lives by dashing into the busiest 2-way street in crown heights! You can review Tanya Baal peh while you wait that minute and elevate nitzutzim in the street! Don’t be naive. With the way you’re thinking you may as well give a newborn a grape because if g-d forbid they should choke it was meant to be! That’s insane.

    • Masmid

      Clearly you have questions in emmunah and bitochon. You seem to believe that we control our destiny and are masters of our fate.

      You also equate endangering another person (giving a grape to a baby) to mesiras nefesh for Torah learning even when placing one’s self in danger.

      I suppose you would be against those who studied Torah in Hellenist times of the CHashmonoyim, or in Communist Russia or those who broke the ice to toivel in a mikveh.

      Maybe YOU need to speak to a mashpiah!

  • Sick immature reasoning

    The same Torah that he is going to learn, the 5 minutes saved by crossing in middle of the parkway, tells us to watch our lives and health. The same chassidus that teaches that whatever happens was meant to happen, also teaches us that we our meant to watch over our health and well being, to the best of our ability. Hashem will take care of the rest.
    So let’s be real and stop looking for justifications for whatever we do, that may be wrong.
    Btw, it seems the bochur walked out of 749, across from 770 so he’s not an Oholei Torah boy.

  • vyamskaya

    Oy, this guy never learns! I keep seeing him in the news whenever he gets hit on Eastern Parkway! Cant this bocher ever learn for once??? I think somebody should reach out to him! maybe we should get him “help.” There’s no excuse these days, I saw an ad in the train station with an 800 number to get people help, but seriously, how come this person doesn’t learn and keeps getting hit by a car!!!!!! He should wear reflectors! the mayor should put down speed bumps! Eastern Parkway should build a pedestrian bridge! or a tunnel! or a cosmic black-hole teletransporter to shuttle this person across the street so he wont get hit again!

  • vyamskaya

    @45: “everything is hashgacha pratis, but we have free choice”

    You just stated two opposets in the same sentance.

    If we have free choice, then you just forfaited your hashgacha pratis.

    ah, yes, your kindergarden teacher gave you nice tirutzim, the “keily” teretz sells well, but then its a the free choice to make a keily for a brocho and no longer hashgacha pratis.

    It is my understanding that the Baal Shem Tov argued that the hashgacha dictates to the very last detail.