5 Injured, 3 Critically, in Rosh Hashana Crash

Two cars collided and went careening onto a crowded sidewalk right in front of 770 Eastern Parkway on the first day of Rosh Hashana, injuring five bystanders – three of them critically. One victim lost a leg, but the quick actions of a Shomrim volunteer may have saved her life.

The terrible incident occurred on Thursday evening at around 7:00pm, just as hundreds were making their way to 770 for Tashlich.

A black Hyundai sedan going eastbound was attempting to make a left turn from Eastern Parkway onto Kingston Avenue, when a white Infiniti SUV traveling westbound on the parkway t-boned the sedan, then went careening onto the sidewalk and into a light pole, pinning two victims: one underneath the vehicle and another between it and the light pole.

Five people in total were injured, three of whom were listed in critical condition. A middle aged woman was hospitalized with severe leg trauma, while a 21-year-old woman with severe head trauma and internal injuries was also rushed to the hospital. Both are guests visiting Crown Heights for the holidays. A third victim, a young man, was critically hurt after being struck in the head by flying debris.

A Shomrim volunteer, who was with his family on their way to Tashlich, witnessed the crash and called for medical assistance and backup over his radio before springing into action.

Upon assessing the scene, he immediately turned his attention to the woman who suffered the injury to her leg. Using his belt, he applied a tourniquet in an attempt to stem the bleeding. His actions may have saved the woman’s life.

Other rescue personal pulled the younger woman from underneath the mangled SUV and light pole; she appeared to have sustained internal injuries as well as head trauma.

Hatzalah and various EMS ambulances all rushed the patients to Kings County and Methodist Hospitals.

The two female and one male victims were originally listed in grave condition, but Boruch Hashem by morning they all pulled through and are expected to survive.

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    BH. Wishing all a refua shleima.
    For all the injured, have the mezuzos checked in their homes wherever that may be, it will surely help in their recovery BEH.

  • Only St withh No Light

    When you drive down E Parkway, Kingston is the only street without a dedicated green arrow light! Every other block has one, forcing oncoming traffic to stop so cars can turn. Kingston, instead, is an ongoing cat-and-mouse game that have lost this poor lady her leg and others their health. Where are our community leaders on this? Why is there no arrow green light on the busiest block for Jewish residents? An accident has to happen before things get done.

    • facts

      You may be right, however in this case all those who suffered injuries were standing on the sidewalk (none were on the street crossing).

      This was a freak accident, all the victims did not even see this coming, there is nothing they could have done differently.

    • Milhouse

      Um, excuse me? A turning light could certainly have prevented this accident, if drivers obeyed it.


      why single out for”jewish residents” why not just be a mentch and have a better chance at getting what you want by saying for people!

    • A.Cohen

      the 21 yr. old girl is Itta Ephrat bat Aliza Rivka
      Please daven for her!
      she is very special-she worked and saved her money to pay for her education and also to come to 770 to daven at the Lubavitcher Rebbes’ Shul and go to the special shiurim they heave during the month of Tishrei for Israeli girls.
      She is currently unconscience and is suffering from internal bleeding.

  • 2 lane. Right turn lane

    Evry since they cut off the right lane, there were 2 accidents 2 days in a row right after they changed the lanes. And every day thereafter there are near misses. As the light @ Albany and eastern pkwy turns red and there are only 2 lanes and cars are going fast and as traffic builds up @ Kingston, drivers are not aware that traffic build up and slam on brakes.

  • pics from Yom Tov

    can someone please clarify how there are pictures from an accident on Yom tov?

    I’m guessing a non Jewish person watching emailed it to CH news site…

    • Not Too Hard

      Seems you are able to guess where the pictures came from without too much effort. Hope you also said tehillim for the victims. Refua shleima.

  • 90xx

    #2 and #3 have valid points. Wishing a very big refuoh shleima to the victims. Please post information if any assistance is needed to these victims.
    #11, it must be as you said.

  • Names

    It’s efrat bat Aliza Rivka Tamar bat shlomit may they will have a fast recovery and we should hear only good news

  • Car screeches

    I hear horrible car screeching tired everyday on eastern parkway- something has got to be done! Speed bumps? Would it help???

  • Anonymous

    A few weeks ago, a young woman tourist on a sidewalk was struck by a taxi and Manhattan and had to have a leg amputated. Now this! Ad mosai!

  • declasse' intelelctual

    It is the culture of new York, You have to get there yesterday. How many times have I seen in Boro Park Jews with beards honking at women who are pushing a baby stroller across the street with a walk sign because they are hindering their efforts to make a turn. There are too many cars and everyone is frustrated because it takes so long to get anywhere if you are lucky on time

  • Israeli Citizen

    This is for People who Refuse to visit Israel, because they are scared of Terrorist Attacks.

    This story shows that if something (Min HaShmayim) is supposed to happen
    it will happen no matter where you are.

    So refusing to visit Israel …………………….

  • "Call a cop," simple as that.

    Back in the early 90’s, before the lights, they put up a four-way stop at the corner of Albany and Montgomery – also a very accident-prone intersection at the time.

    I noticed that many “drivers,” coming down Albany Ave., deliberately did not stop, as if the stop sign was not there. From work, I called the 70th precinct to complain. She asked,”So what should we do?” I don’t know what came over me, because I would have ordinarily responded with something like,”Wow. I feel so honored that you want ME to tell you what to do.” Instead I suggested something normal: “Have a patrol car watch and give tickets.” She said,”Okay.” Guess what, that’s what they did!” I remember seeing the patrol cars standing there, on Montgomery St., and springing into action against violators.

    So, why can’t the police do the same for Eastern Parkway and Kingston? Could not hurt to simply ask. Hit them where the money is – I would like to think that would be a deterrant to careless driving.