Father and 3 Children Injured in Terrifying Accident
A violent collision between an SUV and dump truck left a father and his three children miraculously with only scrapes and bruises, despite rolling over and slamming into a house.
The crash occurred at around 11:00am in the intersection of Brooklyn Avenue and East New York Avenue. The SUV, a blue Subaru, was traveling down Brooklyn and was broadsided by the dump truck, which was carrying a full load of sand. The collision sent the SUV spinning and rolling over onto the sidewalk.
Miraculously all of the passengers, a father and his three young children, escaped without any serious injuries.
One teacher from the nearby Beis Rivka described the sound of the collision like “a bomb exploded”. First on scene was a Shomrim volunteer who called Hatzalah and 911.
uncle moshe
did you hear the news “no” gaes what happened in town a big crash happened in town “o no”
you r a WAKO
I’m in Bais Rivka. Some girls said they saw the accident happening! Everyone was so scared! Who was the family?
Seriously, mamash a revealed neis. This had so many people who love this family thanking HaShem today!!!
See how important carseats and seatbelts are???
This is why it’s critical to buy excellent car seats and install them properly!!!!!!!!
The family is okay BH!
The chabad family who was in the car is BH okay, but saved because they make sure their car is safe, their children were in good car seats, and the parents were wearing seatbelts. This accident occurred less then 3 blocks from their home!
When was the last time you could say the same for your own family and children? Are you putting on a seat belt every time you get in the car, even if it’s just for a few blocks? Are your children in car seats or boosters for their correct age, height, and weight? Do they use them EVERY SINGLE TIME?
The family went to the ER and are fine, just banged up
Are There any videos of the actual thing?!?!?!?
Refuah Shleima!
Oy Vey!
How the Yidden are suffering!!!!
Can we say Tehilim or is it not that bad?!??!?!
Mother counts too!
The MOTHER is ok BH too!!!!!!!!!!! No idea why she wasn’t mentioned! She’s a good friend of mine. BH her, her husband and the kids are all ok! Just a bit banged up!!! Thank you Hashem for watching over my friend and her family!!!!!
i saw this all from the window of my class room. it was really scary!
dini feldman
a very nice and sweet family. Hashem is watching over them. Fell good!
I saw the aftermath
How they survived is a miracle.
we truly need moshiach!!!!!! ad mosai!! wwooohooo
bais rivkah girl
Im in bais rivkah and i saw the whole thing happening it was so scary!
Subarus are known for their safety. Thank G-d they walked away. I’m glad I have one.