Civic Pulse: Anti-Semitism, Affordable Housing, Kingsbrook Synagogue, and Voting With Assembly Member Brian Cunningham

On CivicPulse, Rabbi Yaacov Behrman interviewed Assembly Member Brian Cunningham, who represents the 43rd Assembly District, which includes Crown Heights.

They discussed pressing issues such as anti-Semitism, Black-Jewish relations, mental health, housing, and the recent eviction of the 100 year old synagogue at Kingsbrook Hospital. Cunningham called the allegations in the article concerning and called for a review and due process, stating he would work with his colleagues to resolve the issue.

They also addressed the significant increase in voter turnout in the Jewish community of Crown Heights, as well as concerns over voting irregularities in New York, including whether dead people are voting. Additionally, Cunningham was asked about the recent news that he is being considered for lieutenant governor. Tune in for an insightful conversation!


  • Shmaya balberg

    Shmaya Balberg, your Republican District Leader comments: from macro to micro: firstly, the Lateice committee, following the State Democrat Committee, will kill any such improvement bill because Democrat doctrine applauds anti-dusenfranchize bills and support “more” voter bills. Secondly, bills and policy supporting training pollclerks to find “fraud” are likewise dead. See next comment.

  • Shmaya balberg

    Shmaya continued: Bottom line, count on Trump and his congressional Republicans to address election fraud, which, truth be told, focused on fake leftists voting in early voting on Shabbos in the names of Jewish voters, and deliberately no laws or policy in NY or NYC to stop this. Cunningham, with whom I have little contact, will always back democrat pet issues, since he, like you, are democrats.

  • Crown Heights Outsider

    Dear Rabbi Yaacov Behrman,

    Please have the Assemblyman:

    1) write letter to One Brooklyn Health requesting copy of “structural engineer memo” which is being used to lockout Shul by labeling Synagogue as unsafe
    2) get NYS grants / capital budget funds for the Synagogue building’s repair as a Jewish “cultural institution” just like how Christian Cultural Center in Canarsie does it. ($1.2 billion)

  • Controlling Case Law in Second Dept

    “It is, thus, clear that assets held for a particular use may not be used for other corporate purposes in the operation of the NFP, including for payment of debts”

    The exception is dissolution which then looks to Cy Pres doctrine which returns property to original use…..which is synagogue.

    NYS AG can bring action.

  • Easy Road Map for AG Letisha James - Part 1

    Apply to Court for a partition action for synagogue building based on the need for a constructive trust for Synagogue building, which was already heal for a specific and limited purpose and should be after dissolution according to Cy Pres. – See Part 1, Line 3 – “dominion, control & possession – Shul should have been always held separately

  • Pending Petition of Sale of Synagogue Should be Publicly Disclosed

    Dear Assemb Cunningham:

    Rather than wait endlessly for a FOIL response, for transparency, can you assist with the NYS AG in making public the current legal petition to sell Synagogue filed with the NYS AG.
    Public needs to see petition before its signed by AG.

    The current NYS website only shows the final signed approval,, not pending requests.

  • all talk no do!

    talk is cheap all around Cunningham is a black demorat under the tutelage of Al Sharpton & co.The facts He will do nothing@ no one is going to do any favors save the KIngsbrook shul no interest no desire.Since its a local issue Trump cannot due anything & won’t Ag won’t lift a finger #1 she’s a black anti semite rat #2 no pressure no desire nothing in it for her>

  • all talk no do!

    part 2 Short of a miracle The solution? prominent individual outside Jewish community involvement no one in Our disunited community of prominence importance gives a damn Short of an openmiracle only shot is civil rights lawsuit.Otherwise say Kaddish, thanks for memories of what will be another house of idol worship or Homeless shelter

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