One of the Worst Fires Crown Heights Has Seen In Many Years
by CrownHeights.info
Around 10:40am Friday morning, emergency responders began receiving calls regarding a fire in a home on Eastern Parkway. It would become one of the worst fires that Crown Heights has seen in many years.
The two-story home between New York Ave and Brooklyn Ave was housing bochurim learning this year in 770 Eastern Parkway, and when the fire sparked, some of them were home.
Hatzalah and the FDNY rushed to the home to find flames billowing from the second floor, with at least one bochur trapped inside. The firefighters ripped bars off windows to gain access and were eventually able to rescue those trapped inside. One of the bochurim was in critical condition and was rushed to the hospital by Hatzalah.
In total, one bochur was in critical condition while three others were labeled stable non-critical, and two sustaining minor injuries. Three firefighters were also injured in the fire.
The damage to the house was extensive, with the entire house gutted by the flames.
With shabbos just hours away, many tens of bochurim suddenly found themselves without a home, clothing, or daily essentials, so Crown Heights Shomrim stepped up.
“We just had a devastating fire in Crown Heights r”l. There are many bochurim that have no clothes or shoes,” Crown Heights Shomrim wrote. “If you have any extra pair of shoes from sizes 8.5 to 12.5, please message 347.489.1543, and we will get it to them ASAP!”
The response was overwhelming.
Within hours community members, local organizations, and others stepped up, providing the much-needed clothing essentials for these bochurim to start over.
While many of the injured bochurim will soon be leaving the hospital, there are some that will remain there over shabbos, and they need our Tehillim.
Please say Tehillim for a complete and speedy Refuah Shelaima for: Shmuel ben Devorah Leah, Shmuel ben Mirav, Hillel ben Hila, Boruch Yehuda ben Yehudis