• Adam

    The mikvah at BRI (aka “The Ritz”) in Uman, Ukraine, has rubber ducks all year round. I once asked why and got the most obvious amswer: “Because it’s funny!” Let’s embrace anything that can help us embrace mitvah gedola liyos besimcha tamid!

  • shmuel munkis

    wow i love them i even took a few of them home with me to my kids and they were playing with them the whole day????
    p.s. i herd that they were bachurim playing with them in 770!!!!!?

  • Rochele p.

    Not sure if to laugh or to cry. Bochurim need to find better things to do with there time! How about actually learn from your Gemara for once?

    • Dovid Adelist

      Don’t huck a chainik. come back when you’re boki beshas and then you can huck away.
      To the wall.