Crown Heights Musician Shlomo Recu Reinvents the Chabad Melody “Anim Zmiros”

Chassidic Jazz Musician Shlomo Recu has a unique take on the Chabad melody “Anim Zmiros” which expresses the profound longing of the soul for its Creator.

“I will sweetly sing, and weave melodies, for my soul pines for You. My soul craves the shelter of Your hand; to know all Your secret mysteries.”
The Rebbe taught this Niggun on Simchas Torah, 1961.

This video is a fitting debut to the project because of its meaning – an expression of the profound longing of the soul for its Creator. It follows that a Baal Teshuva would relate to this in his own personal way and experience this longing to “weave melodies” through his own musical path.

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