Water Flowing Into the Dead Sea: A Sign of Geulah?
Rain fell for two weeks in Israel, breaking a 50-year record for the highest amount of precipitation in northern Israel on Thursday, according to the Israel Meteorological Service. A record was also broken in southern Israel where, according to the meteorological service, 5 inches fell, breaking a 76-year-old record.
Biblical prophecy holds that water will flow east from Yerushalayim into the Dead Sea, filling it up with fish and the surrounding desert with life:
“And he said to me, “This water is going out to the eastern frontier, and will descend upon the plain, and come to the sea, to the sea that is brought out, and the waters will be healed. And every living creature that will swarm wherever the two streams will go, will live, and the fish will be very abundant, for these waters have come there, and wherever the stream flows, they shall be healed and live.” (Yechezkel 47:8-9)
Though the sight of wadis (dry washes, valleys) filling up with water is not unusual in Israel, this winter rainy season has been especially blessed with rain, making this prophetic vision appear even more apparent.
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