Invitation to the Pesach Seder at Chabad Tijuana


  • WHat would the Rebbe say?

    I think it is a very cute video, Ober, is this a good representation of chabad, to take some goyishe rap and turn it into an invitation as a chabad rap, oyyy, since when did shlock rock become chabad style?? The question we have to ask ourselves before putting things like this up, is, would the Rebbe smile after seeing this, and the “above” in my opinion would leave me questioning about the Rebbes response! Im not bashing it, Im just saying we should think long and hard before we stick the Rebbes name on something. Chabad HAS “BORDERS” and those borders are set by the Rebbe!

  • an embaressed reader

    To-What would the Rebbe say?
    You are just mad at yourself b/c you did’t think of something this smart. So don’t beat yourself up too much b/c of it. I think that DIni did an amazing job. And who are you to say what the Rebbe would aprove on or not. You are a nobody. Next time you plan on adding a stupid comment, sit, read it, and think for a change.

    p.s .A, The Rebbe never said anything about making movies for avetisment? or B, did you just make that up.

    I think th e answer is B!!!

  • sooo cute

    soooooooooo cute!!!! dini I LOVE it!!! your kids are adorable!!!! love the chabadwithoutborders!!! GO DINI and POLICHANCOS

  • embarrassed for you

    to an embarrassed reader-
    your comment was so imature. if you want to post something, say something intelligent and worth reading. it would be to you benefit.

  • i agree

    i agree with ‘wat would the rebbe say.’ yes, its very cute..however it could have been done with a more appropriate niggun or song, rather than a rap that sounded goyish when i first put it on..




  • ur cuzins

    Dini, thanks for a good laugh!! your kids are adorable kenananhora!! much nachas and a kosher and frielichin peasach!!

  • trashing shluchim

    to what would the rebbe think
    good point what would the rebbe think if you were trashing a shlucha??? i know dini and she is very creative i think this is amazing. she is a very busy person she has 3 kids a chabad house she is a shlucha. you csn tell she put a lot of effort into this. so just shut your trap and think of something useful

  • to Haraha tz What would the rebbe say

    i agree with trashing shluchim, if you dont like it, keep you mouth shut and dont ever do anyhting like it. but dont go trashing a family who is putting their life on the line for the rebbe and giving everything over to shlichus. before you speak so self rightiously go and do something for the rebbe instead of being a lawn mower in crown heights and critiqing everything that shluchim do. enuf w/ this holy garbage already!

  • I retract!

    What would the Rebbe think, Retracts……
    No one was bashing it, She probably is the greatest shlucha, and yes I will even throw you a sfora to say it is good and atractive to “mekuravim” however I was just commenting on the fact that I was brought up that shlock rock was a NO NO, and any other implimentation of Goyishe Music with jewish words as well, could i be wrong yes,I apologize if my comment came out as offensive, it was not meant to be at ALL, I thought personally it was a really cool and nice video with some very cute kids, however my comment was only, I wasnt sure if thats the chabad way, maybe I’m wrong, it wouldnt be the first time. But to all the people out there that were upset about it please dont be, i dont know if it makes you feel better I take it back, I probably shouldnt have written it, this forum of comments should be left for positive ones, and I should have left mine out….. With all the arguements within Chabad already we dont need any more, so you know what, I take it back and replace my comment with “GOOD JOB SHLUCHA, Beautiful Video, Hatzlacha Rabba on your Shlichus a kosher and freilichen Pesach!”

  • Freemans

    That was amazing!!! Go Polichencos!!!! The Rebbe must be sooooo proud!!!!!!!!!!
    We’re so lucky to have the cutest cousins in the world!!!!
    Keep up the great work in bringing Moshiach now!!!!

  • Tonight at the Seder

    its so cute that i got my whole family to watch 15 times to know the lyrics.
    we will be singin it at the Seder tonight before the Seder starts with the Ganza Mispacha
    Can’t Wait
    I don’t know if we will start the Seder tonight,
    we got so into the song that we will be in such an HISORURUS our entire building will be shaking

  • Rochel

    We had a Shlock Rock concert here in S. Diego not long ago sponsored by three local Chabads and it was FANTASTIC!!!

    Chazak, chazak to Chabad in TJ and everywhere.

  • goldy

    i am sure you worked so hard, and are coming from a caring pointof wiew..but…my comment is comming from a ‘bt’ point of view. becoming frum from a chabad house, this would have not turned me closer to yiddishkite. i was looking for something deeper, this is empty….remember when they are coming to you, they are looking for something emesdik. i agree the nigunim would touch me….then i knew i was missing something in life.i was at one point introduced to something as simple as a bais rivka production,, that made me want more, and run to be part of the chassidic lifestyle.. unfortunately that video, would not change my way… understand dont be like them, make them want to be like you… will happen…