Moshe Cohen, Shliach of the Rebbe in Sacramento CA, Menachem Mendel Cunin, Shliach of the Rebbe in Malibu CA, Dovid Cunin, Shliach of the Rebbe in Malibu CA, sing a song to the tune of Sheyibaneh with the words of the Rebbe's new Kapital.

Video of the Day – Young Shluchim Sing the Rebbe’s new Kapital

Moshe Cohen, Shliach of the Rebbe in Sacramento CA, Menachem Mendel Cunin, Shliach of the Rebbe in Malibu CA, Dovid Cunin, Shliach of the Rebbe in Malibu CA, sing a song to the tune of Sheyibaneh with the words of the Rebbe’s new Kapital.


  • Impressed

    Adorable, real nachas for the Rebbe, and im”h we WILL sing this Niggun on Yud Alef Nissan with the Rebbe in Yerushalayim!

  • A Shliach

    Tayere Kinderlach,
    Beautiful! Beautiful! I’m sure the Rebbe has a lot of Nachas. So far the best niggun from all three i’ve heard.

  • hilly

    guy’s..may u continue doing the rebbe’s shlichus with a shtultzkeit untill the coming of moshiach !

  • לחיים 

    Go Cunin!
    better then all 12 Nigunim COL put up!
    אמתע נחת צום רבי’ן