Video: The Way Things Were


Rabbi Yoel Kaplan plays a Chasidic niggun on the violin in the courtyard of Chabad’s Rebbes in the picturesque town of Lubavitch, Russia. Rabbi Kaplan, Chabad representative to the Balkan States, seen with his colleagues on the horse and buggy, are participating in the conference of Chabad-Lubavitch representatives from Europe and the FSU, now in session in Russia.


  • Tour of Lubavitch

    We need a tour of the town, showing where the shuls, homes, living conditions, cemetaties and chedorim were in that town in relation to what exists there now It would be so good to see the streets the Rebbes walked.
    I heard that the part of the town that existed then hasn’t changed that much, so it might be relatively easy to give anash an historical perspective from the Alter Rebbe’s time until 1920

  • Shviger

    Rabbi Mendy Lent, Chabad on Campus Nottingham Universities, UK on the left at the front. Nice to see you, Mendy.