Video: The Ultimate Chassidic Food Taste Test

Filmmaker Meir Kalmanson gathered six brave taste testers to try out Chassidic food for their first time.


  • An invitation to eat treif food

    The food they portray is so gross that is an invitation to eat treif food

  • Meirs Teacher at NHHDS 1996

    That was awesome! Great video!! Super fun to watch!!

  • Ch'er

    Oh wow, I am not sure the intent of this,
    but come on guys,

    have you run our of ideas of what to offer,

    I mean,,,, really,,, P’tcha.

    wake up please,,,

  • non-gender

    hope they did not forget the garlic in the P’tcha and they cooked it at least 25 hours and todays kitchkie is not the real thing