Video: Should We Pray for Our President?

Torah Café

Professor Jonathan Sarna

The results are in! Do we pray for the success or downfall of our elected officials? Professor Jonathan Sarna tells why and how, even if we didn’t vote for them.

Professor Sarna, noted historian, cites Rabbi Chanina, who lived during the harsh rulership of Rome, saying in Pirkei Avos, “Pray for the ruling power even if they oppress us;” Ezra, who lived under the Persians, said “Pray for the life of the king and his sons;” and Jeremiah, who lived in Bavel, said “Seek the peace of the city, for in its peace you shall have peace.”

The history of Judaism’s Prayer for the Government and the messages between the lines, sheds light on the fascinating and complex relationship we share with the people who rule us.

This presentation was given at the National Jewish Retreat, 2012. For more information please visit

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  • disappointed

    I think in this case we should pray for the downfall & removal of our Prseident as he is a danger to all of us Jew & non Jew alike

  • GG


    First of all, lev melachim vesarim beyad Hashem – the hearts of kings and princes (presidents, too) are in the hands of Hashem. Instead of praying for his downfall and removal, daven that he governs sensibly!

    Second, be careful what you wish for. Do you think his vice president – who is first in the line of succession – would be any better? He might be even worse, being a shoteh otzum.


    We pray three times a day: Umalchus horisho mheiro se’aker useshaber usemager vesachnia bimeheiro beyomainu…

    Keep this for the retreat’s kumbaya…

  • Hirschel Pekkar

    BH. The question how to deal with Obama? by Divine Providence, the photograph of Jonathan Sarna gives the answer, above his head there is a red sign that says EXIT. Like number 1 says.

  • Min Shemayem

    Pray for the government everything is MIn shemayem

    Who ever does no think that this was from God is a Chofer

  • Dave

    To # 3

    You talk about ignorance but you don’t seem to know about the comma after the word ‘Usemager’ do you know what ‘Vesachnia’ means?

  • It was instituted

    In the late 40’s the frediker rebbe instituted. A teffilah for then president Roosevelt. So if ur a Lubavitcher it’s something to consider?

  • Ashamed Former American

    Yes. Please recite Perek Koof Tes (109) for Obama and Biden every morning.

  • Heard from African

    Obama may be against Israel. He hasn’t left much doubt about that, the way he acted.
    But, unless Obama is some kind of suicidal maniac, like Ahmaminajeb, according to what an African told me on the subway, Israel may not have what to worry about. He said,“America cannot stop supporting Israel, because if they did you would have
    World War 3, and nobody wants that.”

  • CR

    “Pray for the well-being of the government for without it a man would swallow his fellow alive.”

    Still true, even today.

  • Bernie

    I am shocked. How low we have fallen. I know him, and he is a professor and Rabbi at Hebrew Union College – the Reform headquarters.
    Az Och Un Az Vey Is Tzu Unz if we use him as our counselor.

  • Bibi BadBad

    Indeed, lev malachim vesarisim beyad Hashem.

    Will the state of Israel continue to act as a saris and just look to Obama as its leader? I, for one, think so. Netanyahu is another Obama, an empty suit who can speak up to a certain extent but folds like a deck of cards when the going gets touch.

    Shluchim, be prepared for thousands of Israeli refugees in your Chabad Houses from Montana to Montevideo. The state is over. It did not listen to the Rebbe, so it will instead prove the Satmarer Rov right.