Video: Havdalah at Chevra Ahavas Yisroel


  • ???

    I wonder how much “havdalah candles” sells for on shabbos beraishis??? Looks like they burning up a lot of wax.

  • Minhag Avoiseinu Biyodeinu

    I guess this is what Minhag Avoiseinu Biyodeinu must mean.

  • Mushka

    I thought the Rebbe was not pro Carlebach?
    I dont understand why this is being done in CH in the Rebbe’s face?!

  • Nebech

    I can’t blame these beautiful young people for wanting to enjoy their Yiddishkeit. G-d should bless them. They want to connect to HAshem and they are doing their best.

    But where were their teachers and parents? Why didn’t they present the ways of Chabad (mochin over midos) in a way that was geshmak to them???? Why do OUR children need to look to fremder felder in order to feel a connection? Why doesn’t the Chabad avodah turn these kids on?? Why? It’s our fault.

  • mendoza

    to all you haters i took this video …it was shabbos night in camp shaloa b /4 the summer camp open up …there was a very
    kosher mecitaza . they open it 4 havdala .. there is no taruves
    Reb simon jacobson was the to inspier every one
    to all you haters

  • ashreinu m-tov chelkeinu

    BH some of our youth are finding their derech in avodas hashem.

    Ma haya lanu where you see so many of our children in greenwich village. Why do they gravitate there instead of to a shiur in 770, a seder nigunim in beis shmuel or a havdalah in ahavas yisroel?

  • Observant Observer

    To #11: “Reb simon jacobson was the to inspier every one.”

    —Thanks, that explains everything!

  • random

    To all you haters:

    There is no difference between going to temple ahavat israel and Greenwich Village – The only difference is people in Greenwich Village probably dress more tzniusdik.

  • A fan from afar

    Not my style, but well within both halacha and Chassidus as it was clearly not during the three weeks as some insinuate.

    Yasher koiach!

  • from 770


  • tinoikois shenishbu

    Nebech loook at the poor children who are being indoctrinized…. “Noshim rachmoniyos bishlu yaldeihen….

  • stop your bs

    i want 2 know how many of you haters actually have been to chevra ahavas yisroel. if youve been there youll notice that there is barely any talking during davening and its a beutiful shul unlike 770 here half the crowd is yapping away in middle of davening. not 2 say that 770 isnt a beutiful place.

  • rochel

    Live instruments during the three weeks and what happened to the mechitzah I don’t mean to be a hater just trying to understand why people think this is ok

  • Rabbi Yossi Serebryanski - Denver

    This wonderful chevra are on a journey to engage with Davening and community in a non traditional and innovative way that works for them. I have personal contact with two people who have found a home in this community. One grew up in CH and left the practice of torah R“L, the other comes from a Reformed background.

    Both are now torah observant and PRACTICE avodas hatfila.

    My curiosity (and shiduch scouting) led me to daven with this community on a shabbos morning. I found that they have created a space that is safe for people to fully engage with tefilah in a supportive atmosphere.

    For myself 770 is still the address to recharge, but if I was not a shaliach with generations of chasidim to model chasidism for me, I can now understand why CAY WORKS for people.

    Is this the classic Chabad practice of Avodas hatfila? NO.

    But rather then attack CAY, I find it an indictment of us who practice classic Chabad chasidus in the traditional cultural way (think Klinmans paintings) to create a warm welcoming and safe place, for OT/OP grads to practice davening in a safe environment.

    PS.. hateful comments about CAY are a violation of halacha, against the practices of birur hamidos of Tanya.. and have the real effect of pushing people away from Torah R”L

    Feel free to email me directly if you need to vent

  • Rabbi and Rebbetzin Chabad Misnaged

    Ahhhh Singing?? how can they do that?? its a shanda to be happy, and enjoy havdala like that, Especially in CH, in front of the Rebbe!!! Oyyy Aybeshter what did all the holy people in the shchuna do to deserve this heresy? Hashem knows how honest, non-judging, and full of AHAVAS YISROEL our whole community is!!!

    My favorite color is grey!
    I hate kids!
    Smiling+Joy makes me sick to my stomach!
    I hit people with my cane!
    I learn Chassidus but dont internalize+implement the teachings in my day to day life!
    I never put myself in another persons position before judging them!
    I give my negative opinion on everything even when nobody asks for it!
    I am secretly jealous when people to good things so I make myself feel better by putting them down!
    I really, really cant understand why moshiach is not here yet?

  • @ #10

    It doesn’t matter WHEN the video was taken- why is it shown now? Oh! I get it! So we can mourn over the current churban as well? Nebach. We have rabbonim – why don’t they DO SOMETHING!!!

  • to #19

    does it matter if I ever stepped foot in there? Yes i did – when they just opened – I walked in by the kiddush, not knowing what was going on inside.

    770 has a lot of crackpots. But at least there is a kosher mechitza. Yapping with the guy next to you isn’t the same as yapping with is wife!

  • c., this is getting old. Is yet another CAY Havdalah your go-to tactic to boost your waning traffic? Find something else to rile the people.

    (As an aside, I am a staunch and proud supporter of CAY.)


    770 is full of nutjobs its long been a dead place. the avodah zarah that is going on in 770 and many other parts of crown heights is much worse than this KIDDUSH HASHEM!! amen! great job CAY keep it up and lets push out the haters and crazies!!

  • sheyibaneh

    I was going to write a negative comment-like what brocho is made on so many havdala candles, and is music supposed to be played during a religious ceremnoy, but then I thought that it’s the three weeks and we have to have more ahavas Yisroel and look at each other with a good eye. May the shul be successful in strengthening it’s attendees with Yiddishkeit in the way of Chabad with ahavas Yisroel and may it join all shuls now in the Bais Hamikdosh Hashlishi.

  • ayl

    very misleading that this was posted now.

    this didnt happend in 3 weeks.

    anyone smell sinas chinam in the 3 weeks?

    i was there last night

  • what

    what i don’t understand any of u u don’t like the shul go take it up with the rabbi yourself why do u have 2 hide & name flaws & the internet & about 770 the rebbe is with it & this shul he’s not

  • Sad

    You can find excuses all you want, but it seems to me at the beginning of the video that the women are joining the singing and that is absolutely forbidden

  • # 5 they have a mechitsa

    If you think otherwise it means you were never there to see Havdala

  • ve ahavta l-reayacha kemochah......

    a few thoughts here, and no negativity, which does not do anything constructive:

    #1: you can’t change what they’re doing

    #2: because of #1, remember the words of a Jew, who has been connected to Chabad for many years:
    Get out of the new world if you can’t lend a hand
    ~Bob Dylan~

    #3: if you can’t make them into farbrenteh Lubavs, you can still say that they are Jews, keeping most of the T&M (Torah/Mitzvos)…..well, the tzanua is definetly one thats somewhat missing.

    #4: they ARE upholding/actively doing:

    #5: will your criticism do anything…..REALLY?

  • how come, people of CAY????

    when someone has something to say that is NOT in agreement with your philosophy at CAY, you call them a hater.
    Aren’t you the one hating, by calling them a hater?????
    If someone doesn’t agree with you, then they are called a hater???

  • mechitza needed

    mechitza is needed at all times
    please see your local shulchan aruch for more information….

  • get it or not, here I come DLB

    heres something to consider:

    Highland Park
    etc, etc, etc

    what do they have in common?
    They have different levels of minhagim and of the way that they keep the Torah. What can they do? Nothing. They live in peace in those types of places. They smile at each other and say Gut Shabbes, and all is how it should be. OK, its not a Chabad community where the Rebbe is….the Rebbe….but if we are cursing and criticizing (etc) then is that respecting and loving the Rebbe’s ways? I don’t get it.

  • LG MK

    i was once in yeshiva and the “rebbe” bopped a classmate of mine in the mouth so hard that from insult and pain, he ran out of the room. now how do you think all of us kids felt. like being b’simcha? these kids are trying to be b’simcha. my only issue is that the tznius should be upheld. they can look attractive without looking like hollywod movie actreses. but really, what do you expect. the rebbe warned us about that form of what you might call disipline

  • to #32

    mechitza or no mechitza
    it definitely ain’t being used very well
    why don’t you watch the video???

  • Rabbi NA

    Unfortunately or fortunately (depending) Crown Heights has changed. I am a shliach in North America and when i bring a group to CH we barely daven in 770, maybe a weekday shacharis if we are in a rush. It is just not a pleasant place to bring people anymore. Then there’s Beis SHmuel, we tried there as well. Needless to say, my people were so turned off and uninspired by the behavior there. So now what do i do? Ah, there’s Cong. Ahavas Yisroel. An uplifting, inspiring and energetic shul that gets my people’s blood running. This shul has inspired future programs and congregant run shiurim purely based on the inspiration attained at CAY! This is why we need this place in CH.

  • Inspired

    I am not from CH and have been to CAY many times and i have not seen the girls or what they wear. They stand behind a kosher mechitza and do not mix or mingle inside or around the shul. Keep going CAY, the more pressure and noise = the more effect you are having.

  • to #42

    The problem is that at CAY there are two types of situations:
    The times they use a mechitza it is very high and nice, but then there are the times that the mechitza isn’t used AT ALL, and then there are also the times where there are completely mixed social events, parties, and Shabbatons.
    Give me a break.
    Call a spade a spade.
    There might be lots of OK things going on at CAY, but there are also lots of big NO-NO’s

  • to #41

    the fact that your people were inspired there may have a direct reflection on your personal (negative) attitude towrds the other Shuls you have taken them too.
    Additionally, your congregants may have also be very inspired from Fiddler on the Roof, or The Great Synagogue, or a Carlebach minyan somewhere or other, or a host of other places…The fact that they were inspired does not prove that what goes on at CAY is appropriate or that it should be considered a proper CHABAD shul….

  • To #45 - Rabbi NA

    My people have been inspired from other places, such as you have mentioned, but that inspiration was either outside of a religious context or an external inspiration that went nowhere.
    The difference here is that the experiences we have had at CAY have prompted the growth of my congregants and directly increased their involvement. I am serious, they have mentioned, time and again, that the experience at that Shul was what made them excited to be Jewish.
    I am not arguing if this type of shul belongs in CH metzad its Hashkafah, but i am saying it is filling a need that we sholuchim have
    Also, in no way have i belittled 770 or mentioned anything negative to my congregants about it. I usually say that it is too busy a place to stick together in.
    I say nothing but praise for 770 and what it represents, and i take my people there to see where it all happened. But i will not let them see the pushing, talking and other mishugasin (personal feelings) that go on there to uninspire them and make them come out feeling uncomfortable and negative.
    There really is nowhere else to go that is inviting, involving and inspiring.



  • Sent by Hashem perhaps...

    Hmmm..Chabed or Chabad. Stay home and sleep on Shabbos or go somewhere spiritually uplifting? The community–especially many parents, should be grateful for such a sincere place for davening.

  • Chutzpah! Do not judge if you don-t know

    There is absolutely nothing that is against halachah in Ahavas yisroel! I go there every shabbos, and I look out for these things.

    1) There is a more than kasher mechitzah always, not just in the video.

    2) This was done months ago, not on the three weeks.

    If chose to post it now, it’s their prerogative. Besides, there are opinions that hold that recorded music is ok during the three weeks (OMG, there is another opinion in halacha that is not in agreement to your lifestyle!)

    3) For the one who said that it is completely asur to hear women singing, open up a shulchan aruch! There is absolutely nothing wrong with hearing a “GROUP” of women singing, the isur is to hear a woman (singular) sing. Besides, they sing very low (can barely hear them) and get drowned out by all the men’s voices anyways…

    This reminds me of people who are not informed accusing lubavitch of being disgusting and “going against halacha” when spitting in a shul by aleinu! If you open a shulchan aruch it clearly states that you “may” spit in a shul, as long as you smear it with your shoe.

    And for everyone else that feels that it is necessary to feel bad for people of ahavas yisroel that are on “their special,” level get over yourself.
    Maybe do some chitas and rambam, and have a bit more ahavas yisroel. Even better, if you feel soo bad, come over and teach us the “right” way of living our lives, because apparently you have it right.

  • itamar in eretz yisrael

    What’s going on here?! Lubavitchers actually practicing chassidus, loving one another, serving hashem b’simcha?!
    What’s next, they’ll actually begin talking about joining the rest of the Jewish people in Eretz Hakodesh with Rav Ginsburgh, chas ve’shalom!

  • Let- Play Nicely

    After reading these comments, I am happy to agree with all of them…

    Oihev Shalom, verodeif shalom, OHEV ES HABRIOS, umikarvon la’torah.

    We must have compassion on each other, and just get along.

    Let’s hang tight until the geulah is here.

    we want moshiach now

  • Elesoy

    Now that I’ve tasted what davening is at Chevra Ahvas Yisroel, I can’t stand the dead services everywhere else in CH.

  • Holder

    Ok first off, I POSTED THIS VIDEO. This was a havdala done up in the mountains not in CH and for those of you trying to find a way to say that this most beautiful havdalh is wrong should be ashamed. Intolerance is itself a form of violence and an obstacle to the growth of a true equitable spirit. that being said. This is 100% lo0ve and i am sure the rebbe and Hashem would be proud.