Torah Café

So you have a great idea. You’ve collected capital and launched your business. Now what?

Videos: Manage It!

Torah Café

So you have a great idea. You’ve collected capital and launched your business. Now what?

In this special video presentation of “Manage It!” join panelists as they discuss how to properly manage a startup business. Learn how to deal with the client that always tells you “the check is in the mail,” if a High School diploma is important to business success and more.

The event is part of a new slew of initiatives rolled out by Crown Heights Young Entrepreneurs (CHYE).

One attendee, Yonit Tanenbaum, a freelance writer and founder of the Crown Heights based PR agency YQ Media, noted that the panelists “shared some great resources” with community members.

“It’s encouraging to business owners like myself,” Tanenbaum continues, “that today there are many ways for us to share resources and work side by side or as a team.”

Panelists were equally impressed by the event.

“When I first started resources like this didn’t exist,” said the CEO and Co-Founder of Ajax Union, an online marketing company. “People need someone to talk to and until now not everyone had access to successful business leaders.

CHYE is a project of Rabbi Yehoshua Werde, and was founded with the vision of empowering the career-minded youth of Crown Heights with the tools and skills needed to succeed professionally and personally.

Watch on TorahCafé.com!

Watch on TorahCafé.com!


  • Shluchah

    WOW, fascinating! As a chabad Shlucha, I gained a lot from this as well!
    Rabbi Werde: Keep up the great work!

  • Bialos

    Go DL and yehoshuah! we are so proud of you!
    Love your family in Portland :)