Video: ‘Beer Pong’ Gets Anti-Semitic Twist

An anti-Semitic drinking game appears to be sweeping through the high schools of Southwest Florida. Local Shliach Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowitz tells Fox 4 News that “this is a wake up call.”


  • crown heights resident

    This is disgusting. As a non-jew agnostic I am horrified by this.

  • YMSP

    Thank you Rabbi Minkowicz for your positive. measured and productive response (with a focus on education and recognizing that it’s likely a joke, and countering it as such). You can certainly teach some California shluchim how to effectively counter anti-Semitism.

  • Big Deal

    underage…Drinking…playing a stupid game…ohh i just cant understand why teenagers do foolish things.

    No, we were all teenagers, come on get some real news.
    And why is it antisemitic and not anti NAZI?