Although the tips in the video can be used with any recipe, we provide the following matzah ball recipe for your convenience:

Video: Tips for Making the Perfect Matzah Ball

Although the tips in the video can be used with any recipe, we provide the following matzah ball recipe for your convenience:


6 Eggs
1 cup Oil
1 cup Water
½ tsp Baking Powder
1 pinch Salt and Pepper
18 oz (or 500 gram) fine Matzo Meal


1. Mix all the ingredients with a fork. Adding the matzo meal gradually until the mixture is thick but not too hard. Add more matzo meal if too soft.
2. Let harden in fridge for an hour.
3. With wet hands form into about 60 balls and drop into boiling water or boiling soup. Boil for 15 min.


  • Not this year

    No matzah balls this year. Acharon shel Pesach falls out on shabbos.

  • malca b

    my bubbes recipe –

    large pot rapidly boiling water- put on fire b4 you start to mix

    1 eggs to 1/4 matzah meah
    salt to taste

    whip the egg til light and fluffy then mix in matzah meal
    stick in fridge for 15min
    take 1-2 TBL of mix – roll into a ball ( about size of walnut)
    add to pot – do not overcrown

    boil slightly covered for 15-20 mix

    add to soup b4 serving – about 5 min b4


  • malca b

    you can make the matzal ball prior to yom tov even coming in – if you are ahead of the game you can make them next week and freeze -then just defrost in the soup

  • #4

    Ask your Rov and he will explain the reason why you can’t make matza balls on Friday the 7th day of pessach for the 8th day.