Music Video: Boycott Israel
Jewish Rapper Ari Lesser‘s powerful music video begs the question: “Why is there such a strong call to Boycott Israel by various organizations and college professors, when the majority of countries around the world are committing verifiable atrocities that are all but ignored?”
Secondly: “Why is Israel under the magnifying glass when it is one tiny state, surrounded by 22 Middle East countries that commit endless crimes of murder and torture on their own people in the name of religion?”
Please note: This video contains graphic images and may not be suitable for children. View at your own discretion.
Nice hair
When he cuts it, he can donate it.
Donate it to the fires of the Beis HaMikdash
The argument “well, other people do this too” is cynical and counter productive to the extreme. To deny that major components of Israel’s strategy and behavior in the occupied territories is racist is to make a complete rupture with sanity and the real world. The choice between a murderous and zealous Saudi Arabian goverernment and a murderous and zealous Israeli one is false.
If you would not only listen but also watch you would see that by the chorus he makes the argument that Israel is one of the biggest champions of human rights in the world…
HaKoten m'Montréal Québec
Too bad he didn’t mention the self-righteous imperialist and chauvanist nations of Europe, like Britain and France, who are at the helm of this shameful campaign.
And let’s not also forget the glaring hypocrisy of Italy, Belgium, Spain, Portugal and the Netherlands, who for hundreds of years – along with the sanctimonious English and French – sailed around the entire world forcibly displacing indigenous populations, inflicting them with disease, imposing their religious and social mores, stealing their natural resources and creating political, social and cultural confusion and disruptions which tragically linger till today.
And dare we forget the multitude of other European nations, who for thousands of years have shown utter disregard and contempt, along with severe discrimination and murderous persecution, for any minority group found within their borders??
History books have documented all of this. It is the height of oylom hasheker that these nations dare hold a light to Israel.
I would say that would get really tedious. The world today is not what it used to, and blaming modern nations for what their distant ancestors did would only distract from the point brought up…
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I know him. Its a wig
a wig?
I thought that’s what happend to Matisyahu’s beard
its not a wig
you obviously do not know him, because if you did you would know he intentionally grew his hair long because he was a nazir
2 cents
But mistake to include America and Germany who did pay reparations. If you lump everyone in the same bucket the people it is meant for, wont listen.
The video does not beg any questions. To beg a question means to argue in circles, to assume the thing that you’re trying to prove.
You know what? I loved this!!
me too! this was just genius.
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I dated him. Its not a wig
to 7
I know him too. And its not a wig. Look closely at the video
I guess this belongs here:
A job well done!!!!