How can this be Ahavas Yisroel, This Shul has a Mechitza?
an opinion
Before all the condemnations and criticism begins let me try to calmly explain the problem with this video and what it represents.
I feel that a ny person has the right to choose his derech of Avoidoh and use whatever means necessary to fulfill him as a Yid and bring him closwer to Hashem and Fulfilling Torah & Mitzvos. provided of course that he is following Halacha and Minhag as Minhag Yisroel Torah Hee. That being said calling any Derech, other then the Derech that our Rebbes have taught us and had Mesiras Nefesh for Chabad is wrong and dishonest.
Chabad is a Derech Arucha, that demands much effort, self denial, self elevation, meditation and honesty. It results however in the strongest and truest Avoidoh where the Yid is really connected to Hashem. It is difficult but the results are solid and it is only such a Derech that kept Yiddishkeit alive and flourishing through Communist Russia, and materialistic America. It is Emes, truth, that endures.
being turned on and inspired through music is wonderful but the person is often connecting to himself rather then to Hashem. This person would be in a spiritual high participating in a rousing group sing of Lihavdil Negro Spirituals, Silent Night, Yanni, or any other inspiring music. it is nefesh Habihamis, self, that is being inspired and not necessarily the Nefesh Elokis, his G-dly connection.
Is it bad? For some people it is very meaningful and inspiring and if that is the level that they are on, necessary. But please don’t call it Chabad or offer it as an alternative to Chabad. If it leads one to pregress in his Yiddishkeit then it is good even if it is a poor substitute for what Chassidus wants to accomplish in a Yids connection to Hashem. And if it leads away from Torah & Mitzvos then it is negative.
Don-t drum during davening
Do not want to sound negative. But the drummer should focus more that his Tefillin in wrapped in a kosher way around his arm than concentrating on his drumming.
The future of Lubavitch
Is safe and sound in their hands!
they are great people, just ignorant. a shame they dont know that one is not allowed to repeat words during davening. it is a grave shayla on the brocha preceding halel.
AWESOME! So sad I missed it! Looking forward to shabbos davening!
They are not the first
They are not the first.
There is another group of outcasts in Airmont that used musical instruments during Hallel on Chol Hamoed Sukkos as seen in this picture.
they idea is very nice – but shows no care of halacha
but you cant repeat words of davening specially hashems name
wow so inspiring how do i go about becoming a member!
cute scene
Yes, they are mostly wearing jeans etc, but check out their beards (mostly full beards) and the length of their tzitis, and above all. . . their sincerity . .
those of you who are so fast to condemn and criticise should bear that in mind, and look for the positive, just for once . . .
Not all out black hats and jackets can boast about their beards n tzitzis, and most certainly not about their sincerity (and language . . )
Lets not judge too fast . . .
is this in crown heights? or in miami?
This is not a chabad house!
Number 3 said it VERY well. I would like to add that I was in Alaska for work a few years ago for work and I was in middle of no where for Shabbos there were a few Jews in that town and they asked me to lead the friday night “service” for them. The way they “prayed” was much like this video (minus the music). Yes it may be very inspiring and heart warming to watch. Yet, we have to rememeber that we are lubavitchers and we get connected through maamarim and sichos before davening and davening word for word with a chabbad niggun. We sometimes get caught up in the world around aroud us and want to be like that world. However we have to remember we are chassidim and even more so the chassidim of the Nasi Hador. Would the Rebbe have davened in such a minyan?
The fact
We have to face the fact!
They may seem like weiredos to many of us – but the fact is that, for some reason, there is a need in our community for this type of group.
I would’s say that this is ideal and a Dugmah Chaya of Lubavitch and the way the Rebbe wants us to behave, but they are growing, and they are techincly not overstepping the fine line of Halacha.
Im speechless.
An Observer
Thank you for posting this video! I have been hearing about this group for some time but it was great to have a peak behind the curtain, if you will. My blink from the video is that these are a really nice group of friends who have come together for spiritual inspiration in a way that is nontraditional – but kosher. Live and let live, they are not out trying to spread a “new type of Chabad”, they are a group of like-minded people coming together and connecting in very meaningful and uplifting activities. Kudos Chevrah Ahavas Yisroel!
770 go-er
to be honest this sounds really nice…..not very labavitch but very nice. I always wanted to go to CAY but many people i know that go there r very stuck up……..guess i will stick to 770……where there r stuck up ppl but also nice ppl
Just like in reform…
I don’t give it long for this Minyan to play the organ during Shabbos davening. ל“ע ר”ל
And no comment on the “Rabbi” Mit Der Langer Hor playing with his phone during Davening…
From someone who has never been to CAY
To #3:
You went from minhag yisroel torah he to if it’s not the Rebbe’s minhag it is assur in a single quantum leap.
We all know that the Rebbe would not have daavend with this minyan just as well as we know the Rebbe did not daaven in any minyan outside of 770 and put up with a lot of garbage in the minyan at 770.
Talking during daavenning or even learning during kriyas hatorah is clearly admonished by the Alter Rebbeh, the Rebbeh Rashab and the Rebbe in the most harshest terms. There is no question that shuls that allow this to happen are clearly going away from the Rebbe’s derech in a much more profound way than having a drum circle to enhance halal for those that feel their tefillah is enhanced by it.
For the record, musical instruments together with davenning goes back to the leviim in the mikdosh and even predates that with Dovid Hamelech’s tefilos and Miriams tambourines, etc. If you don’t want to do it because we don’t bring back many minhagim/halachos (as per the Rebbe’s view on techeles in tzitzis) that have been lost over the generations, that’s fine but certainly bashing those that re-claim these ancient minhagum is completely out of line for someone who calls himself a chasid.
dont care what u call it but my davening would be 100 times more insparational if i davend in such a shul
where is this ????
they should have this in evrey shul
dont know how the leviyim sung in the beis hamekdash
but now i could definately imgine it!!!
Chevra Ahavas Yishmael
For all you ignorant people out there, while most Chabad and most Orthodox do not repeat words in davening for the sake of songs, many Orthodox and Chabad communities have this practice and it is accepted by mainstream Halachah (its just a philosophical difference, many wish to focus on the meaning of the text for inspiration, instead of being inspired by a nice, soulful tune, -others feel it is easier to be inspired by the a nice tune than focusing on the meaning of the text).
That said, however, it must be noted that their manner of prayer is not in accordance with Chabad practice. As far as being in accordance with Orthodox practice, I’m not sure. I do find it odd that they seem to be more occupied with their instruments and their singing talent than with davening. Also, that guy with the guitar has his behind facing the Ark. So, personally, I do not consider this Orthodox, but modern Orthodox.
In addition, the Shul Menorah is on the wrong wall. I’m not sure if this was done out of ignorance or out of disregard for an established custom. Probably the former.
So what should be done? Nothing. Focus on yourself and your family; don’t let these people bother you. What if they want to call themselves a Chabad Shul? This you shouldn’t do. Their practices are not Chabad. What if they call themselves a Chabadnik? They are Chabadniks and there is nothing you can do about that.
I didn’t know we had a carlbach shul in ch. Interesting…
just trying to do our best
To all you judging criticizer’s:
Judging is such a bummer in our community. This shul inspires many. And lehavdal so many have gone a different path because of all the complainers and judge-rs in our community. Today is a new day, live with the times, young people are in shul inspired through achdus and prayer….why does there always have be such kvetching?
In my experience there is so much to do in my own avoda, I find little time to inspect other peoples issues. I imagine if we ever get done working on our-self, all we will see is the good. If you have halachaic issues consult a rav as to what to do in your individual case.
Labels of Chabad, Chabad ideology, Chabadish, Halachic Chabad, Chabad light, I mean really, we are all just trying to do our best within our individual given challenges some have more then others. So be a light and leave a little sugar trail in your path of insights and words.
Happy Chanukah…
no 17 you are WAAAAAYYYY out of order. It is NOT REFORM or aywhere near. Don’t be so critical of others. It is very spiritual for those doing it, be glad they are in shul daavening not on the streets and get a life.
Uncle Mendel
Koombaya, My Rebba, Koombaya
Its time we do the yechi
Don-t fight it
Before starting to daven and connect with G-D at Ahavas Yisroel I was attending an “acceptable” shul in Crown Heights. This Shul was nothing more than a men’s club with no spirituality whatsoever. The talking was so excessive at certain points of davening. When the Rov would speak the congregants carried on with their conversations. When the Torah was out, the congregants would continue to talk so loud that unless you were standing by the bima you could not hear kriyah. The kiddush started before Hodu. And Hodu started at 11am. People would have cups of alchohol by their tables during davening. The women’s section was so unwelcoming that my wife never wanted to come to shul. The mechitza was always being opened as kids are constantly running back and forth through the womens section. This my friends is an acceptable shul in CH with no flaws. This is a Shul that the Chabad judges approve of.
I decided to check out Ahavas Yisroel one Shabbos day. To my surprise I actually found a Shul. A Shul where there is no talking, where people come to daven, where my wife can actually come to daven, and where my kids have spent more time next to their father in shul where they should be. I found a shul that starts at 10:00 sharp. I found a shul where the Kiddush actually starts after davening.
Since going to Ahavas Yisroel the following has happened to me:
A. I have rarely missed a minyan over shabbos.
B. My wife is able to come to shul every Shabbos. My family goes to shul as a family.
C. My kids come home singing beautiful songs and niggunim that they hear in shul
D. I go to shul and I actually daven. Socializing in shul is a thing of the past.
E. My connection to G-D has never been more present.
F. I have done more mivtzoyim now than I have ever done in my short life. My love for Judaism has taken a turn for the better.
The list goes on but I prefer to keep some things private in my life. More good has happened to me as a result of going to Ahavas Yisroel than in any other shul I have been to in Crown Heights.
For all the judges in this community/forum: It might just be time to start taking a look into your own lives and stop judging which way a menorah is facing or how many times a word is repeated in davening. If the Shul I used to daven at is accepted by Chabad than shame on this community and the leaders that have failed it.
Look at the bigger picture and the good that has come out of this shul. A little positivity may shine some light in your dark world.
Don’t fight Ahavas Yisroel, embrace it.
go eli benhiyoun and menachem reich!!!! beutifull!!!
very nice music
but is this a kumzitz or davening???
forget the fact that they are wearing a tallis and tiffillin – look how theyre sitting, standing as if they are singing some camp songs!
Ain Milim
Chassidim of yesteryear would ‘tear kriyah’ and declare a fast day over such a scene.
the rebbe would be so proud of this!!!
what makes them chabad???
bad good u ppl dont make up ur mind and just find away to make things better by makeing more class and programs mashiach now
we need a website that will have pictures of anyone that goes to this shul and we should make sure to throw them out of CH, not accept their kids in our school system not include them for a minyan or help them out. if this is their way of life fine let them keep it and not bring it on the rest of CH
cat tell
can’t tell if the chazzan is standing on the men’s side or women’s side.
Please see bereishis perek 25 posuk 30 rashi – min hodom hodom
To #32
Your village called… Their idiot is missing
Please put the video back!! I want to see what all the buzz is about.
Back of 770
I prefer to daven/speak in the back (or front) of 770 with the rest of the “lubavitchers” at 11AM so i can be/feel more connected as i get flicked from Yisroel Shemtov! And the rebbe didnt teach nigunim to his chasidim? CAY is the best thing since Gimmel Tammuz.
From Tehillim 150:
3 Praise Him with the blast of the horn; praise Him with the psaltery and harp.
4 Praise Him with the timbrel [drum] and dance; praise Him with stringed instruments and the pipe.
5 Praise Him with the loud-sounding cymbals; praise Him with the clanging cymbals.
CAY: Put the video back. dont be muscled out of the hood.
Ya’ll are a bunch of haters with no life. Why is it your freaking business on what these Jews want to do? Grow up, if you don’t like it, don’t go. Don’t call it Reform or Conservative because that makes you sound like a judgemental and ignorant person. The name of the shul is Chevra AHAVAS YISROEL, maybe you should go there to get some.
Stop judging and complaining!
To all those judging and complaining, stop with it already! go inspect yourself before you inspect others! Enough people have turned off in our community because they had nowhere else to turn, as one said above “live and let live”, i have been there a few shabbosim ago friday night for the first time, and i have to say that it was one of the most beautiful experiences i’ve had in a crown heights shul in a very long time! Go Ahavas Yisroel! keep up your good work!
Draw your own conclusion
The Rebbe was quoted in Time magazine in the 50s saying that Lubavitch
compromises, but doesn’t sanctify the compromise to still the conscience
(as Conservative, etc. do).
Oholei Torah-nik Bundah
to #39:
Did you steal your lines from Footloose?
Cause that is the exact lines used to argue for allowing the school prom dance before the city council.
FYI: we watched the movie in the Oholei Torah zal late one Thursday night, after the mashpia went home….
any one else remember that night??
A shliach
Lots of shuls in Lubavitch have lots of problems including talking etc. I personally would not daven in this type of shul. However, we need to understand that some people get inspired in different ways. I do not see a major problem with this. The leviyim in the bais hamikdosh used instruments to sing halel. Why is everyone puting them down. Although (as i said) many including myself would not choose to daven in this type of shul, however there are different stroke for different folks. There may be some things that can be corrected like the menorah …. but let them live in peace and get inspired by what ever as long as it is not against halacha. Not everyone fits the regular mould.
I watched the first 45 seconds and skimmed through the rest then read the first 10 comments and skimmed through the rest so I am sorry if this comes of as incorrect, arrogant, repetitive, or harsh but regardless it need to put out there.
This is disgusting, disrespectful, appalling, wrong, and flat out an abomination.
I don’t know what these folks are thinking but it riddles the mind.
The repetitivness is a hefsik. I will assume a brocho was made on the hellel repeating lines over and over with hashmes name has no place in chasidishkiet, halacha or anything else.
As chasidim we have a way we do things all with great meaning and if you dont know, get, or understand them thats fine. But, don’t go off playing rabbi and influence people like you are doing.
This is not a personal attak on Chezy. He might be a good person. This is an attak on people like the ones in the video in general.
Not one tallis was put on correctly in the entire group. there are many reasons we wrap and tuck our talaisim under and hide the black lines. Look it up people.
I can go on and on tareing this group of hippies apart but that just wouldnt be in the spirit of ahavas yisroel.
Just a side note if a guy like Moshe Hecht came into my minyan and tried to out sing the rest of the shul he would be chucked in the spirit of ahavas yisroel.
Children grow up.
For the first time
For the first time
My teenagers are making plans with me to be in shul….Yes you heard that my teenagers….
They WANT to go to shul, a nice shul, where there are smiles lot’s of them…
Not a shul that really is reform where people get in cars and drive home or eat cheese burgers for the kiddush…. not a shul where people look you up and down to decide if you fit their mold, no a CHABAD shul, that teaches Chassidus, inspires us every inch of the way from expounding on the Rebbes insights every aliya during kria, to ha yom yom and chitas after davening….
A place where you REALLY do not feel judged, a breath of fresh air, from the far to often criticism that has over taken this community and sent many, many teenagers in the opposite direction…Thank G-d for this shul….
We learn together, pray together and do chitas together in this shul among many other “Chabad” ways.
Who left any of you judges to say, this is not a Chabad shul, Did the Rebbe pass the rules over to you?
You really have not been there. Singing, achdus, heartfelt REAL prayer. I am 100% sure the Rebbe is shleeping nachas, and that is what we all should be concerned about, ask yourself this question do you think it would make the Rebbe happy, if the answer is yes, then I do not think you can extract “Chabad” from what this shul is to many. There is much work to do in the area of our Youth in our neighborhood…CAY has the holy chuztpa to do it, blessings on them.
When you and your teenage kids go from the feeling of having to daven to WANTing to daven then we will all be in a very good place…that speaks louder then any other “Chabad” shul in this community btw.
The children are our next generation (not excluding our own inner child) we must embrace that, and find innovative ways to inspire. Many other “Chabad” type shuls in our community should try to exemplify the true achdus and ahavas Yisroel that is plain to see.
I challenge any other “Chabad” shul in Crown hts to be able to say that they inspire the many young at heart the teenagers of our community with true Chabad Ahavas Yisroel in a Spirit that the Rebbe would be so happy about.
Good Shabbos.
an observer
Thank you number 46… all due respect, I am so relieved to know that SOMEONE out there is as perfect as you are…. Yeah, so you dont agree. Your personal attach on Moshe Hecht is appalling.. What in essence are these kids doing? They are DAVENING. Applaud them for that, b/c I could sure as hell assemble about 50 people in CH their age who aren’t doing that… perhaps one would be one of your kids, CV”S.
They don’t call themselves a Chabad Shul, they are growing people. As long as they have a ROV, (I recommend getting a solid one if you don’t) and they are within guidelines of halacha, they are doing great things and the Klal supports their efforts. For those who don’t im sure there is a lumberjack somewhere near you who could remove the tree that is lodged in an uncomfortable place for you and help you recognize good before the bad. THAT is an inyan shel Besht. THAT is what a CHASSID DOES.
this is the most embarresing video i have ever seen. I had nothing against this new shul opening in crown heights, but after seeing this i am disgusted. this is in middle of davening, hallel no less. its not a time to bring out intrusments.. poepls teffilin arnt on properly, the rabbi himself is using his cellphone during davening!!!! This is not the proper way to daven.
missin the chevra
gotta agree guys, love the melodies, dont repeat if can be helped, but not the cell phone during davening, etc… come on… you are better than that… practice what you preach.. you are there to daven…. Still, much love! – A die hard fan.
to #33
you are the most disgusting person i have heard of maybe we shouldn’t give YOU and YOUR family any help
to #49
yeah and I bet you have done it 30 times
solomon freundlich
Pesach Palnik
The folks who have a problem with this service have a serious problem with themselves. The painful fear of creativity is a disease of the soul. Ha Kadosh Boruch Hu is THE CREATOR and not the rote repeater.
May these young men and women grow in importance and may their influence spread wherever Jews love THE CREATOR of Heaven and Earth.
To the scoffers:
This demographic exists in CH.
Would you rather that someone came into the shechuna from outside Lubavitch and opened a shul of this type?
Legally, someone can do just that.
Instead, BH someone stepped up to the plate – and since no one is forcing you or me to go, there is no problem at all.
We’re not RBS2 or Mea Shearim, or even Kfar Chabad (lehavdil). We can’t regulate who lives in our shechuna. As Lubavitchers, we have to rise to the challenge of Yidden with different backgrounds and interests coming in to CH.
to #55 I think you’ll find a lot of them are from CH and geza and off the derech and this helps them rekidle the flame
Woodstock -12
The hippies are back and they’ve gone chabad!
Ahavs Yisroel?
How can this be Ahavas Yisroel, This Shul has a Mechitza?
an opinion
Before all the condemnations and criticism begins let me try to calmly explain the problem with this video and what it represents.
I feel that a ny person has the right to choose his derech of Avoidoh and use whatever means necessary to fulfill him as a Yid and bring him closwer to Hashem and Fulfilling Torah & Mitzvos. provided of course that he is following Halacha and Minhag as Minhag Yisroel Torah Hee. That being said calling any Derech, other then the Derech that our Rebbes have taught us and had Mesiras Nefesh for Chabad is wrong and dishonest.
Chabad is a Derech Arucha, that demands much effort, self denial, self elevation, meditation and honesty. It results however in the strongest and truest Avoidoh where the Yid is really connected to Hashem. It is difficult but the results are solid and it is only such a Derech that kept Yiddishkeit alive and flourishing through Communist Russia, and materialistic America. It is Emes, truth, that endures.
being turned on and inspired through music is wonderful but the person is often connecting to himself rather then to Hashem. This person would be in a spiritual high participating in a rousing group sing of Lihavdil Negro Spirituals, Silent Night, Yanni, or any other inspiring music. it is nefesh Habihamis, self, that is being inspired and not necessarily the Nefesh Elokis, his G-dly connection.
Is it bad? For some people it is very meaningful and inspiring and if that is the level that they are on, necessary. But please don’t call it Chabad or offer it as an alternative to Chabad. If it leads one to pregress in his Yiddishkeit then it is good even if it is a poor substitute for what Chassidus wants to accomplish in a Yids connection to Hashem. And if it leads away from Torah & Mitzvos then it is negative.
Don-t drum during davening
Do not want to sound negative. But the drummer should focus more that his Tefillin in wrapped in a kosher way around his arm than concentrating on his drumming.
The future of Lubavitch
Is safe and sound in their hands!
they are great people, just ignorant. a shame they dont know that one is not allowed to repeat words during davening. it is a grave shayla on the brocha preceding halel.
AWESOME! So sad I missed it! Looking forward to shabbos davening!
They are not the first
They are not the first.
There is another group of outcasts in Airmont that used musical instruments during Hallel on Chol Hamoed Sukkos as seen in this picture.…
they idea is very nice – but shows no care of halacha
but you cant repeat words of davening specially hashems name
wow so inspiring how do i go about becoming a member!
cute scene
Yes, they are mostly wearing jeans etc, but check out their beards (mostly full beards) and the length of their tzitis, and above all. . . their sincerity . .
those of you who are so fast to condemn and criticise should bear that in mind, and look for the positive, just for once . . .
Not all out black hats and jackets can boast about their beards n tzitzis, and most certainly not about their sincerity (and language . . )
Lets not judge too fast . . .
is this in crown heights? or in miami?
This is not a chabad house!
Number 3 said it VERY well. I would like to add that I was in Alaska for work a few years ago for work and I was in middle of no where for Shabbos there were a few Jews in that town and they asked me to lead the friday night “service” for them. The way they “prayed” was much like this video (minus the music). Yes it may be very inspiring and heart warming to watch. Yet, we have to rememeber that we are lubavitchers and we get connected through maamarim and sichos before davening and davening word for word with a chabbad niggun. We sometimes get caught up in the world around aroud us and want to be like that world. However we have to remember we are chassidim and even more so the chassidim of the Nasi Hador. Would the Rebbe have davened in such a minyan?
The fact
We have to face the fact!
They may seem like weiredos to many of us – but the fact is that, for some reason, there is a need in our community for this type of group.
I would’s say that this is ideal and a Dugmah Chaya of Lubavitch and the way the Rebbe wants us to behave, but they are growing, and they are techincly not overstepping the fine line of Halacha.
Im speechless.
An Observer
Thank you for posting this video! I have been hearing about this group for some time but it was great to have a peak behind the curtain, if you will. My blink from the video is that these are a really nice group of friends who have come together for spiritual inspiration in a way that is nontraditional – but kosher. Live and let live, they are not out trying to spread a “new type of Chabad”, they are a group of like-minded people coming together and connecting in very meaningful and uplifting activities. Kudos Chevrah Ahavas Yisroel!
770 go-er
to be honest this sounds really nice…..not very labavitch but very nice. I always wanted to go to CAY but many people i know that go there r very stuck up……..guess i will stick to 770……where there r stuck up ppl but also nice ppl
Just like in reform…
I don’t give it long for this Minyan to play the organ during Shabbos davening. ל“ע ר”ל
And no comment on the “Rabbi” Mit Der Langer Hor playing with his phone during Davening…
From someone who has never been to CAY
To #3:
You went from minhag yisroel torah he to if it’s not the Rebbe’s minhag it is assur in a single quantum leap.
We all know that the Rebbe would not have daavend with this minyan just as well as we know the Rebbe did not daaven in any minyan outside of 770 and put up with a lot of garbage in the minyan at 770.
Talking during daavenning or even learning during kriyas hatorah is clearly admonished by the Alter Rebbeh, the Rebbeh Rashab and the Rebbe in the most harshest terms. There is no question that shuls that allow this to happen are clearly going away from the Rebbe’s derech in a much more profound way than having a drum circle to enhance halal for those that feel their tefillah is enhanced by it.
For the record, musical instruments together with davenning goes back to the leviim in the mikdosh and even predates that with Dovid Hamelech’s tefilos and Miriams tambourines, etc. If you don’t want to do it because we don’t bring back many minhagim/halachos (as per the Rebbe’s view on techeles in tzitzis) that have been lost over the generations, that’s fine but certainly bashing those that re-claim these ancient minhagum is completely out of line for someone who calls himself a chasid.
dont care what u call it but my davening would be 100 times more insparational if i davend in such a shul
where is this ????
they should have this in evrey shul
dont know how the leviyim sung in the beis hamekdash
but now i could definately imgine it!!!
Chevra Ahavas Yishmael
For all you ignorant people out there, while most Chabad and most Orthodox do not repeat words in davening for the sake of songs, many Orthodox and Chabad communities have this practice and it is accepted by mainstream Halachah (its just a philosophical difference, many wish to focus on the meaning of the text for inspiration, instead of being inspired by a nice, soulful tune, -others feel it is easier to be inspired by the a nice tune than focusing on the meaning of the text).
That said, however, it must be noted that their manner of prayer is not in accordance with Chabad practice. As far as being in accordance with Orthodox practice, I’m not sure. I do find it odd that they seem to be more occupied with their instruments and their singing talent than with davening. Also, that guy with the guitar has his behind facing the Ark. So, personally, I do not consider this Orthodox, but modern Orthodox.
In addition, the Shul Menorah is on the wrong wall. I’m not sure if this was done out of ignorance or out of disregard for an established custom. Probably the former.
So what should be done? Nothing. Focus on yourself and your family; don’t let these people bother you. What if they want to call themselves a Chabad Shul? This you shouldn’t do. Their practices are not Chabad. What if they call themselves a Chabadnik? They are Chabadniks and there is nothing you can do about that.
I didn’t know we had a carlbach shul in ch. Interesting…
just trying to do our best
To all you judging criticizer’s:
Judging is such a bummer in our community. This shul inspires many. And lehavdal so many have gone a different path because of all the complainers and judge-rs in our community. Today is a new day, live with the times, young people are in shul inspired through achdus and prayer….why does there always have be such kvetching?
In my experience there is so much to do in my own avoda, I find little time to inspect other peoples issues. I imagine if we ever get done working on our-self, all we will see is the good. If you have halachaic issues consult a rav as to what to do in your individual case.
Labels of Chabad, Chabad ideology, Chabadish, Halachic Chabad, Chabad light, I mean really, we are all just trying to do our best within our individual given challenges some have more then others. So be a light and leave a little sugar trail in your path of insights and words.
Happy Chanukah…
no 17 you are WAAAAAYYYY out of order. It is NOT REFORM or aywhere near. Don’t be so critical of others. It is very spiritual for those doing it, be glad they are in shul daavening not on the streets and get a life.
Uncle Mendel
Koombaya, My Rebba, Koombaya
Its time we do the yechi
Don-t fight it
Before starting to daven and connect with G-D at Ahavas Yisroel I was attending an “acceptable” shul in Crown Heights. This Shul was nothing more than a men’s club with no spirituality whatsoever. The talking was so excessive at certain points of davening. When the Rov would speak the congregants carried on with their conversations. When the Torah was out, the congregants would continue to talk so loud that unless you were standing by the bima you could not hear kriyah. The kiddush started before Hodu. And Hodu started at 11am. People would have cups of alchohol by their tables during davening. The women’s section was so unwelcoming that my wife never wanted to come to shul. The mechitza was always being opened as kids are constantly running back and forth through the womens section. This my friends is an acceptable shul in CH with no flaws. This is a Shul that the Chabad judges approve of.
I decided to check out Ahavas Yisroel one Shabbos day. To my surprise I actually found a Shul. A Shul where there is no talking, where people come to daven, where my wife can actually come to daven, and where my kids have spent more time next to their father in shul where they should be. I found a shul that starts at 10:00 sharp. I found a shul where the Kiddush actually starts after davening.
Since going to Ahavas Yisroel the following has happened to me:
A. I have rarely missed a minyan over shabbos.
B. My wife is able to come to shul every Shabbos. My family goes to shul as a family.
C. My kids come home singing beautiful songs and niggunim that they hear in shul
D. I go to shul and I actually daven. Socializing in shul is a thing of the past.
E. My connection to G-D has never been more present.
F. I have done more mivtzoyim now than I have ever done in my short life. My love for Judaism has taken a turn for the better.
The list goes on but I prefer to keep some things private in my life. More good has happened to me as a result of going to Ahavas Yisroel than in any other shul I have been to in Crown Heights.
For all the judges in this community/forum: It might just be time to start taking a look into your own lives and stop judging which way a menorah is facing or how many times a word is repeated in davening. If the Shul I used to daven at is accepted by Chabad than shame on this community and the leaders that have failed it.
Look at the bigger picture and the good that has come out of this shul. A little positivity may shine some light in your dark world.
Don’t fight Ahavas Yisroel, embrace it.
go eli benhiyoun and menachem reich!!!! beutifull!!!
very nice music
but is this a kumzitz or davening???
forget the fact that they are wearing a tallis and tiffillin – look how theyre sitting, standing as if they are singing some camp songs!
Ain Milim
Chassidim of yesteryear would ‘tear kriyah’ and declare a fast day over such a scene.
the rebbe would be so proud of this!!!
what makes them chabad???
bad good u ppl dont make up ur mind and just find away to make things better by makeing more class and programs mashiach now
we need a website that will have pictures of anyone that goes to this shul and we should make sure to throw them out of CH, not accept their kids in our school system not include them for a minyan or help them out. if this is their way of life fine let them keep it and not bring it on the rest of CH
cat tell
can’t tell if the chazzan is standing on the men’s side or women’s side.
Please see bereishis perek 25 posuk 30 rashi – min hodom hodom
To #32
Your village called… Their idiot is missing
Please put the video back!! I want to see what all the buzz is about.
Back of 770
I prefer to daven/speak in the back (or front) of 770 with the rest of the “lubavitchers” at 11AM so i can be/feel more connected as i get flicked from Yisroel Shemtov! And the rebbe didnt teach nigunim to his chasidim? CAY is the best thing since Gimmel Tammuz.
From Tehillim 150:
3 Praise Him with the blast of the horn; praise Him with the psaltery and harp.
4 Praise Him with the timbrel [drum] and dance; praise Him with stringed instruments and the pipe.
5 Praise Him with the loud-sounding cymbals; praise Him with the clanging cymbals.
CAY: Put the video back. dont be muscled out of the hood.
Ya’ll are a bunch of haters with no life. Why is it your freaking business on what these Jews want to do? Grow up, if you don’t like it, don’t go. Don’t call it Reform or Conservative because that makes you sound like a judgemental and ignorant person. The name of the shul is Chevra AHAVAS YISROEL, maybe you should go there to get some.
Stop judging and complaining!
To all those judging and complaining, stop with it already! go inspect yourself before you inspect others! Enough people have turned off in our community because they had nowhere else to turn, as one said above “live and let live”, i have been there a few shabbosim ago friday night for the first time, and i have to say that it was one of the most beautiful experiences i’ve had in a crown heights shul in a very long time! Go Ahavas Yisroel! keep up your good work!
Draw your own conclusion
The Rebbe was quoted in Time magazine in the 50s saying that Lubavitch
compromises, but doesn’t sanctify the compromise to still the conscience
(as Conservative, etc. do).
Oholei Torah-nik Bundah
to #39:
Did you steal your lines from Footloose?
Cause that is the exact lines used to argue for allowing the school prom dance before the city council.
FYI: we watched the movie in the Oholei Torah zal late one Thursday night, after the mashpia went home….
any one else remember that night??
A shliach
Lots of shuls in Lubavitch have lots of problems including talking etc. I personally would not daven in this type of shul. However, we need to understand that some people get inspired in different ways. I do not see a major problem with this. The leviyim in the bais hamikdosh used instruments to sing halel. Why is everyone puting them down. Although (as i said) many including myself would not choose to daven in this type of shul, however there are different stroke for different folks. There may be some things that can be corrected like the menorah …. but let them live in peace and get inspired by what ever as long as it is not against halacha. Not everyone fits the regular mould.
I watched the first 45 seconds and skimmed through the rest then read the first 10 comments and skimmed through the rest so I am sorry if this comes of as incorrect, arrogant, repetitive, or harsh but regardless it need to put out there.
This is disgusting, disrespectful, appalling, wrong, and flat out an abomination.
I don’t know what these folks are thinking but it riddles the mind.
The repetitivness is a hefsik. I will assume a brocho was made on the hellel repeating lines over and over with hashmes name has no place in chasidishkiet, halacha or anything else.
As chasidim we have a way we do things all with great meaning and if you dont know, get, or understand them thats fine. But, don’t go off playing rabbi and influence people like you are doing.
This is not a personal attak on Chezy. He might be a good person. This is an attak on people like the ones in the video in general.
Not one tallis was put on correctly in the entire group. there are many reasons we wrap and tuck our talaisim under and hide the black lines. Look it up people.
I can go on and on tareing this group of hippies apart but that just wouldnt be in the spirit of ahavas yisroel.
Just a side note if a guy like Moshe Hecht came into my minyan and tried to out sing the rest of the shul he would be chucked in the spirit of ahavas yisroel.
Children grow up.
For the first time
For the first time
My teenagers are making plans with me to be in shul….Yes you heard that my teenagers….
They WANT to go to shul, a nice shul, where there are smiles lot’s of them…
Not a shul that really is reform where people get in cars and drive home or eat cheese burgers for the kiddush…. not a shul where people look you up and down to decide if you fit their mold, no a CHABAD shul, that teaches Chassidus, inspires us every inch of the way from expounding on the Rebbes insights every aliya during kria, to ha yom yom and chitas after davening….
A place where you REALLY do not feel judged, a breath of fresh air, from the far to often criticism that has over taken this community and sent many, many teenagers in the opposite direction…Thank G-d for this shul….
We learn together, pray together and do chitas together in this shul among many other “Chabad” ways.
Who left any of you judges to say, this is not a Chabad shul, Did the Rebbe pass the rules over to you?
You really have not been there. Singing, achdus, heartfelt REAL prayer. I am 100% sure the Rebbe is shleeping nachas, and that is what we all should be concerned about, ask yourself this question do you think it would make the Rebbe happy, if the answer is yes, then I do not think you can extract “Chabad” from what this shul is to many. There is much work to do in the area of our Youth in our neighborhood…CAY has the holy chuztpa to do it, blessings on them.
When you and your teenage kids go from the feeling of having to daven to WANTing to daven then we will all be in a very good place…that speaks louder then any other “Chabad” shul in this community btw.
The children are our next generation (not excluding our own inner child) we must embrace that, and find innovative ways to inspire. Many other “Chabad” type shuls in our community should try to exemplify the true achdus and ahavas Yisroel that is plain to see.
I challenge any other “Chabad” shul in Crown hts to be able to say that they inspire the many young at heart the teenagers of our community with true Chabad Ahavas Yisroel in a Spirit that the Rebbe would be so happy about.
Good Shabbos.
an observer
Thank you number 46… all due respect, I am so relieved to know that SOMEONE out there is as perfect as you are…. Yeah, so you dont agree. Your personal attach on Moshe Hecht is appalling.. What in essence are these kids doing? They are DAVENING. Applaud them for that, b/c I could sure as hell assemble about 50 people in CH their age who aren’t doing that… perhaps one would be one of your kids, CV”S.
They don’t call themselves a Chabad Shul, they are growing people. As long as they have a ROV, (I recommend getting a solid one if you don’t) and they are within guidelines of halacha, they are doing great things and the Klal supports their efforts. For those who don’t im sure there is a lumberjack somewhere near you who could remove the tree that is lodged in an uncomfortable place for you and help you recognize good before the bad. THAT is an inyan shel Besht. THAT is what a CHASSID DOES.
this is the most embarresing video i have ever seen. I had nothing against this new shul opening in crown heights, but after seeing this i am disgusted. this is in middle of davening, hallel no less. its not a time to bring out intrusments.. poepls teffilin arnt on properly, the rabbi himself is using his cellphone during davening!!!! This is not the proper way to daven.
missin the chevra
gotta agree guys, love the melodies, dont repeat if can be helped, but not the cell phone during davening, etc… come on… you are better than that… practice what you preach.. you are there to daven…. Still, much love! – A die hard fan.
to #33
you are the most disgusting person i have heard of maybe we shouldn’t give YOU and YOUR family any help
to #49
yeah and I bet you have done it 30 times
solomon freundlich
Pesach Palnik
The folks who have a problem with this service have a serious problem with themselves. The painful fear of creativity is a disease of the soul. Ha Kadosh Boruch Hu is THE CREATOR and not the rote repeater.
May these young men and women grow in importance and may their influence spread wherever Jews love THE CREATOR of Heaven and Earth.
To the scoffers:
This demographic exists in CH.
Would you rather that someone came into the shechuna from outside Lubavitch and opened a shul of this type?
Legally, someone can do just that.
Instead, BH someone stepped up to the plate – and since no one is forcing you or me to go, there is no problem at all.
We’re not RBS2 or Mea Shearim, or even Kfar Chabad (lehavdil). We can’t regulate who lives in our shechuna. As Lubavitchers, we have to rise to the challenge of Yidden with different backgrounds and interests coming in to CH.
to #55 I think you’ll find a lot of them are from CH and geza and off the derech and this helps them rekidle the flame