President Obama spoke to the Congressional Black Caucus awards banquet over the weekend. His 28 minutes of remarks had a strange tone to them, as if somehow Obama was equating support for his jobs program legislation with the far more important and historic civil rights movement.

Video: President Obama’s ‘Jew Tax’ Gaffe

President Obama spoke to the Congressional Black Caucus awards banquet over the weekend. His 28 minutes of remarks had a strange tone to them, as if somehow Obama was equating support for his jobs program legislation with the far more important and historic civil rights movement.

Deep into the speech, according to the White House transcript, the president said:

When you start saying, at a time when the top one-tenth of 1 percent has seen their incomes go up four or five times over the last 20 years, and folks at the bottom have seen their incomes decline—and your response is that you want poor folks to pay more?

Give me a break.

If asking a billionaire to pay the same tax rate as a janitor makes me a warrior for the working class, I wear that with a badge of honor. I have no problem with that.

That’s what the transcript says he said.

But here is what the president actually said, catching himself almost in time but not quite:

If asking a billionaire to pay the same tax rate as a Jew, uh, as a janitor makes me a warrior for the working class, I wear that with a badge of honor. I have no problem with that.

The president has been muffing lines all over the place recently. Last week, also peddling his jobs plan at a bridge that won’t qualify, he hailed America’s building of “the Intercontinental Railroad.” You don’t seem to hear much about these gaffes in the media for some reason.

Maybe in Saturday night’s speech Obama was thinking about all those talks on Israel in New York.


  • DaasTorah

    He spoke well and is exposing the major issues- the rich are getting richer off of the hard work of the poor. Meanwhile the poor are getting poorer.

  • yo bruthuh

    Is it just my hearing was he talkin’ jibe, lahk ah bruthuh. His acent changed abit…

  • Who says?

    Oh give us a break. Who knows what he was going to say? Sounded like he was going say “Junior ____” actually. People here are so paranoid!

  • Andrea Schonberger

    I can hardly wait to tell all my friends that I’m a billionaire, I mean a Jewish billionaire. LOL!!!

  • Milhouse

    “DaasTorah”, you wouldn’t know daas torah from a hole in the ground. If some rich people are getting richer, it’s the result of their own hard work and Hashem’s help; they are certainly not doing so “off of the hard work of the poor”. That is communist propaganda and a yid should be ashamed to say such things. What Obama is preaching is pure gezeila; his entire message is to steal from those who have, for no better reason than that they have. Willy Sutton explained that the reasons he robbed banks was “because that’s where the money is”; Obama wants to steal from the rich and the not-so-rich (except of course from his super-rich cronies) for the same reason.

  • Thinkster

    He really didn’t sound like the word was Jew, probably something like “juke-box maker’. I agree with 3. I mean, definitely critisize Obama for being a moron, but at least the reasons should be solid.

  • dont work hard work smart

    Comment #1 america is a free country that what makes it such a great country, every person has a choice to keep being a janitor or not to be a janitor and take chances risk, i hate when people say the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, that is a true fact but that’s not a reason to over tax rich for the risk that they took if a person that is now rich had made a mistake and not pull through with however he made his money he would have to pay for his mistake and debt.

  • who cares

    Come on….are you kidding me? We got the crook from Chicago and all his cronies, and now you’re just waking up to realize he’s also an anti-semite? We don’t need him, he needs us… We were better off with Clinton and then Bush. At least we knew where they were coming from….Vote republican or democratic, it doesn’t matter, just don’t vote for obama or you’ll get 4 more years of what you had for the last 4 years, no money, no jobs and no housing.

  • Disgusted

    President becomes a black street guy when speaking to a Black audience….does that tell you anything about who this guy is??…oops I forgot I am speaking to C.H