Picture this; a cop pulls you over for talking on your cell phone, only you weren’t. Or a cop pulls you over for not stopping at a stop sign, only you did. How can one defend themselves when it’s their word versus the cops? In this video the driver will have evidence to prove that he did make the stop, contrary to the officers allegation, thanks to a ‘dash-cam’ he installed in his car.

Video: Police Should Be Punished for Issuing Bogus Tickets

Picture this; a cop pulls you over for talking on your cell phone, only you weren’t. Or a cop pulls you over for not stopping at a stop sign, only you did. How can one defend themselves when it’s their word versus the cops? In this video the driver will have evidence to prove that he did make the stop, contrary to the officers allegation, thanks to a ‘dash-cam’ he installed in his car.

The camera the driver used is available for purchase through Amazon Click Here.



    I once got a Hefty ticket of 150$ for stopping- not the full complete stop that you learn when taking your driving lessons. A full stop means that you actually “feel” yourself going back @ the stop! The camera clearly shows that he stopped, but nowhere near the complete, full stop!!!& how does the police stop 2 pple @ once(if he’s busy w/ one person), & why aren’t the lights of his police car on & there is a law not to wear seatbelts-@ least he didn’t get a fine 4 that :)

  • Don-t need to understand

    “We” can understand, but it makes no difference really. He stopped at the stop sign and then was ticketed for not stopping even though he tells the cop that he has on video that he did stop.

  • Not Surprised

    This is nothing new. They are just going to make it illegal to own dash cams in private vehicles. These abuses are wide spread. Cops are just criminals given government sanction to be highway men for the state.