From hatchery to hot dog, JTA shows you how a kosher chicken is raised, slaughtered and turned into lunch.

Video: The Life of a Kosher Chicken

From hatchery to hot dog, JTA shows you how a kosher chicken is raised, slaughtered and turned into lunch.


  • I knew it

    I knew I shouldn’t have watched it too late now I have to try to get those cute baby chicks out of my mind while I bite into my lunch.

  • Gee whiz...

    I SO agree with #1. That was the clincher….looking at those cute, adorable, light yellow baby chicks,chirping so softly and so precious. Will I ever enjoy that roast chicken dinner the same again??? Doubt it!!

  • CR

    Get a grip, folks. This is where meat comes from, not from a hermetically sealed plastic bag. Of course, back in the days when you shechted yourself or watched the shochet do it for you such aesthetic concerns were not so overwhelming.

    If you cannot handle it then may I suggest a veggie burger?

  • Declasse Intellectual

    There are tofu hot dogs and Tofuky for those turkey lovers. And yes, veggie burgers do gril nicely–try a nice fish or rib rub on them before grilling, or after grilling while they cool down a couple of minutes.

  • todres

    i dont know why you put empire chicken why not any of the chasidishe shchita’s. i think it’s a disgrace for lubavitch showing someone elses shchita especialy when they dont want to use any of anash for shochtim

  • Declasse Intellectual

    #6–You missed the point which was to show you how the food gets to your table no matter who gives the hetkshir or who is the producer. They showed a lot of interesting things but missed a few important items in their assembly line process. With all the food health issues and safety problems, it behoves us to know how we are getting are processed food. Gone are the days for most people who can go out into their back yards and harvest a tomato or a carrot or a summer squash. I pity those people who have to buy the junk they sell in Crown Heights under the title of food.

  • Shimonj

    70 chickens a minute?? is that like an industry standard or what??? Sounds hard to maintain if ur a shoichet?? Can anyone who works in the industry comment?