From the start of the Leiby Kletzky tragedy, we've been hearing about the Shomrim - a neighborhood patrol the people of Borough Park turn to in times of trouble. CBS 2's Scott Rapoport has more on the unique relationship.

Video: Inside Boro Park Shomrim

From the start of the Leiby Kletzky tragedy, we’ve been hearing about the Shomrim – a neighborhood patrol the people of Borough Park turn to in times of trouble. CBS 2’s Scott Rapoport has more on the unique relationship.


  • Go, Shomrim!

    Here in Crown Heights there’s no question that we turn first to Shomrim. On a general basis, the police here aren’t interested in helping us. G-d forbid there should be a situation like Leiby Kletzky A”H, because then they’d have to do something, but where are they when Bochurim get mugged? When girls approach them for help and they send the pervert on his way?

    Maybe it’s different in Boro Park, but if we didn’t have Shomrim in Crown Heights, G-d help us.

    PS What does Boteach, that self-serving embarrassment, have to do with anything? He doesn’t even live in Brooklyn.

  • pot calling kettle black

    to #2, regarding your ‘PS’… there’s that Ahavas Yisroel that’s serving our community so well. Way to go.

  • Nachman Sanowicz

    I was startled that when Dov Hikind on his show mentioned different divisions of Shomrim that helped in the search and he ommited the Crown Heights Shomrim. Is it that he knows the politics of the Shmira and Shomrim and even worse the mesiros that one accusers the other started first he decided not to mention them. I as a resident of Crown Heights Tend to agree with Dov if you guys can’t help yourselfs and lower yourselfs to the point of mesira how in the world can you help the community ???? in the words of the mishna Yotzah Sechoro Behefsaido. Once and for all there should be a Din Torah if there was not yet one.

  • Yehuda Venice, California

    I love and respect Shomrim, But how can you say that The police and F.B.I. could not have saved the boy with the tracing of his address , How can you be so Naive ????