The mundane act of making bread is transformed into a spiritual opportunity when baking challah for Shabbat. Each one of the seven ingredients has mystical and psychological significance. Kabbalists say that the blessings from this mitzvah are so great that every woman should try to make challah at least once a year.

JLI Video: Challah Kabbalah – How to Make Mystical Bread for Shabbos

The mundane act of making bread is transformed into a spiritual opportunity when baking challah for Shabbat. Each one of the seven ingredients has mystical and psychological significance. Kabbalists say that the blessings from this mitzvah are so great that every woman should try to make challah at least once a year.


  • kingston ave.

    nice! cant wait for the big part of the mitzvah of challah: “giving” (nisht “challah genumen” nar “challah gegeben”) it to the Kohain!

  • ella

    I am passing this inspiring clip on to challa makers that I know
    Yashar Koach

  • a dear old friend

    you certainly picked the right person to use for this video!
    hachnasas orchim, shabbat with overflowing heart of pure intentions. giving, and wanting it to be beautiful, healthy,shabbos enjoyment, l’shem shamayim as a shlucha motivated and inspired by the Rebbe. yeshar koach chavera mituka!!!

  • anon

    amazing video…inspirational…but pls keep these things apropriate for us men