Local Lubavitch musician, Chony Milecki, has just been announced as a finalist in the national Yamaha Freestyle keyboard competition.

Milecki a Finalist in National Keyboard Competition

Local Lubavitch musician, Chony Milecki, has just been announced as a finalist in the national Yamaha Freestyle keyboard competition.

In January, Yamaha USA announced the competition for the best Yamaha keyboardists in the nation. A panel of producers, arrangers and conductors would choose just eight finalists from the entire USA for their performance and creative use of the keyboard.

A few hours before the submission deadline – between a gig and a flight to Chicago for a wedding – Chony pulled out his keyboard and hammered out some Chabad and Jewish wedding tunes. “I was just so busy that I pushed it off until the last minute; I just played what came to my head,” said Chony. “I was literally uploading the videos by wi-fi en-route”.

The results were published today, and Chony was judged to be in the top eight.

The winner will be the finalist with the most votes.

There are three rounds of voting. The quarter-finals begin April 11, the semi-finals begin April 18, and the finals begin April 25.

Each person gets to vote up to 5 times per day. Sharing a link on Facebook or Twitter also counts as a vote. “Because of Shabbos and Yom-Tov I have a strong handicap”, said Chony, “But I’m counting on my fans to pull through for me!”

To vote for Chony Milecki Click Here!