A song by Nissen Brenenson introduces a mega project in honor of Yud Aleph Nissan: Boys and girls will raise money for Maos Chitim for each line of Tanya they learn.

The Mega Maos Chitim Project

A song by Nissen Brenenson introduces a mega project in honor of Yud Aleph Nissan: Boys and girls will raise money for Maos Chitim for each line of Tanya they learn.

In honor of Yud aleph Nissan, Chayolim across the globe are teaming up to give the Rebbe an incredible gift; tens of thousands of lines of Tanya and Mishnayos Ba’al Peh!

Many schools are working on reaching collective goals of blocks of 110 lines, corresponding to the Rebbe’s 110th year.

For example, Lubavitch Educational Center of Florida is giving a gift of 48 x110 Lines of Tanya a total of 5280 lines of Tanya. Bnos Menachem of Crown Heights has learned 59 x 110 Lines of Tanya total 6490

At this point in time 41 schools from around the world are participating and we hope to create the biggest gift ever from children around the world. If your school would like to join in on this amazing program, you can email cth@tzivoshashem.org with your school name and the amount of lines your school will be doing!

In addition to the Rebbe’s Birthday present, chayoilim are working on this month’s Mivtza – Ma’os Chitim. The children are asking family and friends to sponsor each line they learn by heart. One hundred percent of the monies raised will be applied directly to a ma’os chitim fund to help families in the community in which the lines were learned.

One mother wrote to us: “…I posted on our family chat that my Yosseleh is participating in the learn-a-thon, and that he plans on learning 110 lines of Tanya. I merely asked if anyone would like to sponsor a line or two. Within minutes $412 were pledged. You should have seen his face beaming with excitement. This project is his personal gift to the Rebbe. Thanks to your efforts, for the first time ever, my kids are actually preparing for Yud Alef Nissan”

There are 2,000 chayolim participating, and our goal is to raise $36,000. If one of the chayolim call you, please remember how much the Rebbe always spoke about the importance of Mo’os chitim and give whatever you can.

This project is being dedicated in memory of Nosson Deitsch A”H who learned and continued to review all 53 prokim of Likutei Amorim by heart until his passing last year on Lag B’omer, and throughout his life inspired others to do the same. Nosson truly was a model bochur whose tremendous Ahavas Yisroel reached out to all those who knew him.

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