NY Post
Eek! Here's one subway ride that will make your skin crawl.
The nightmare of every subway rider was caught on video after a chubby sewer rat crawled up the leg of a sleeping straphanger on a No. 4 train in Brooklyn and came face-to-face with the man.
Loose Rat Crawls Up Sleeping Subway Rider’s Leg
NY Post
Eek! Here’s one subway ride that will make your skin crawl.
The nightmare of every subway rider was caught on video after a chubby sewer rat crawled up the leg of a sleeping straphanger on a No. 4 train in Brooklyn and came face-to-face with the man.
The video clip, posted Wednesday on YouTube, has already become a viral hit and promises to freak out anyone who has ever taken the subway.
Rats are often relegated to the tracks as straphangers gaze at them while awaiting their train. This time, this rat-subway rider encounter was a little too close for comfort.
OMG!!! poor ppl but its funny!!!
i feel sick and scared just watching it. if i would have been on the car watching it id either have puked or had a heart attack!
poor guy that is diskusting ewwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i hate rats
I want to scream! This is DISGUSTING!!!!
rat on rat
I take the #4 sometimes!!!!!
Big Deal...
We have much bigger rats walking around Crown Heights shaking peoples hands and eating in our restaurants.
never going anymore on trains!!!
nasty nasty nasty im nauseous its sickening eeeeeewwwwwwwwwwww!!
ewwwwwwww! you did not have to say that!!!
Oy veyz mir, Oy vey vey vey. We must turn to our mashpias like Parties Senior and get their advise.
it gives me chills!!!!!
im itching………..
the rat probably feels like Cong ahavas yisroel to Crown Heights residents.
pooor rat, it was soo scared of the people
i think the MTA should refund his fare for the day…lol.
oy veyy
oyy poor guy all he wanted to do is just sleep!!
To Comment 8
No reason not to take the train.Just dont sleep on it.
subway rider
thats just hilarious haha and at #7 i agree
california normality riding in beemers
OMG HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! laughing sooo hard!!!!!!!!
Let the conductors bring their pet cats to work everyday.
to #19
lol ny rats can take out any cat
crown heights
well i was on the 4 train today just the thought of it do you realy want to go on new york city trains.
rats just can-t vomit
i think rats only jump on people who are not clean or maybe he had something rotting on himself who knows!!!
Andrea Schonberger
You know, rats can be clean animals and make good pets. I used to have rats when I was a kid–I’d bathe them with a special rat shampoo so they smelled very nice and had no fleas. I’d like to get a pair but my husband always vetos the idea when I bring it up.
oh do i agree with you #22 they only go on unclean people
rats just can-t vomit
how embarrassing for that man! and he was on video as well great for his rep . they should put some rat traps under the subway seats such a smart idea for the brainless mta
Uncle Mendel
In all seriousness, which stop did the rat get off?
He didn’t show up at Arlans !!!