In this week's JEM Living Torah clip: Morning prayers on Tisha B’av, at the Rebbe’s house on President street. Tisha B’av Nidcheh – 10 Menachem Av, 5748 - July 24, 1988.

Video: Tisha B’av with the Rebbe

In this week’s JEM Living Torah clip: Morning prayers on Tisha B’av, at the Rebbe’s house on President street. Tisha B’av Nidcheh – 10 Menachem Av, 5748 – July 24, 1988.


  • answer to #1

    this was in the year of Aveilus for Rebetzin Chaya Mushka when all Tefilos werein the Rebbe’s house. Hokitzu verannanu kol shochney offor vehee besoichom.

  • question

    does aveilus mean mourning?
    sorry im not so familiar with all the terms, im learning!