ABC Radio Networks says broadcasting pioneer Paul Harvey has died at the age of 90. No cause of death was immediately available. Harvey was a news commentator and talk-radio pioneer whose staccato style made him one of the nation's most familiar voices.

Video – “Hello Americans!” Paul Harvey…Good Night!

ABC Radio Networks says broadcasting pioneer Paul Harvey has died at the age of 90. No cause of death was immediately available. Harvey was a news commentator and talk-radio pioneer whose staccato style made him one of the nation’s most familiar voices.

One Comment

  • A pretty decent guy, but . . . .


    He was someone who had a lot of good midos.

    However, about a year ago, he said something that I found objectionable on his show. He described a particularly challenging golf course as being ”like the Old Testament: all rules, no mercy“.

    I immediately e-mailed him, explaining that when the Torah — the five books of Moses (his ”Old Testament“) are really read thoroughly — and informed by the commentaries of the Sages — there are countless examples of how very merciful G-d is. I even encouraged him, and included contact information, for him to contact his local Chabad rabbi, if he wanted help to learn about this.

    I did not receive so much as a ”thank you for writing“ form letter, not to mention a real response.

    It is sad that someone who is so admired, and rightfully so, was at the same time, someone who had the power and freedom to perpetuate the non-Jewish misconceptions about the Torah.

    One might quibble with me for challenging what was just a ”Moshel“ on Paul Harvey’s part. But followers of Yashkah are very firm in their belief that the Torah was an unrealistic document for real humans to follow (i.e., ”all rules, no mercy“), and that THAT was the very reason for the invention of Yashkah-ism, and the popularity of their founder, who wrote a ”New Testament” — the rest is history of course.

    May his role of prominance on the airways be filled by someone with great midos AND enlightenment about the emes of Torah!