By observing Shabbat as one united Jewish people we have the ability to bring about the revelation of Moshiach.

The International Moshiach Campaign provides promotional and support materials and helps coordinate the efforts of shluchim around the world. This truly international Shabbaton is an inspiring experience for Jews of all ages and affiliations.

This year one Shabbat one world will take place, G-d willing, on Shabbos Parshas B'shalach, February 6-7 / 12-13 Shvat 2009.

Video – Join Shluchim Worldwide in One Shabbos One World!

By observing Shabbat as one united Jewish people we have the ability to bring about the revelation of Moshiach.

The International Moshiach Campaign provides promotional and support materials and helps coordinate the efforts of shluchim around the world. This truly international Shabbaton is an inspiring experience for Jews of all ages and affiliations.

This year one Shabbat one world will take place, G-d willing, on Shabbos Parshas B’shalach, February 6-7 / 12-13 Shvat 2009.