8:00pm: Elul, Violence and Children, Preventing Pedophilia, Same-Gender ‘Marriage,’ How to Be More Organized

This week’s edition of MyLife: Chassidus Applied with Rabbi Simon Jacobson, Episode 79, will air tonight, Sunday, here on CrownHeights.info, beginning at 8:00pm. This week Rabbi Jacobson will address the topics: Elul, Violence and Children, Preventing Pedophilia, Same-Gender “Marriage,” How to be More Organized.

“What explains the pedophilic tendencies we tragically are dealing with in society? We struggle to raise awareness and educate ourselves on how to prevent child abuse, and how to deal with it once it’s occurred and correcting our attitudes. But what about addressing the root WHY of the matter? Is there any psychology or Chassidus that can explain what becomes warped in a person’s sexuality/psyche that leads them to have these repugnant attractions? I can dig deep and relate to many vices, but not this one – this drive that threatens our children is so dangerous and mysterious. I might point to gender segregation and argue that in the absence of female interaction, male sexuality finds a closer target but that can’t be the case since this crime is sadly, quite mainstream in the larger world. Essentially I’d like to know if there any way to prevent a person from developing these devastating, sick desires?”

“My children have a strong desire to watch violent videos, e.g. planes crashing and other aggressive stuff. My oldest son, nine-years old, videotaped his friends in camp playing violently. I’m a shliach and bring up my children in a warm chassidishe environment. What can I do about this?”

“From a chassidishe perspective it’s very important to be organized. Hayom Yom 7 Tammuz states, “seder is crucial.” “The Baal Shem Tov was systematic and orderly. The Maggid, his successor, insisted on order. Any my great-grandfather – the Alter Rebbe – taught Chassidim to be orderly.” Can you give practical guidance from the Chassidus on how to go about being more mesudar?”

“I work in NYC in a multicultural office, and following the Supreme Court decision to allow same-gender marriage, I was asked by many of my coworkers what I thought about it. Truthfully, it makes me sick to my stomach that American society has become so depraved. It seems like the generation of the flood or Sodom; the corrosion of western civilization. It also seems that Torah requires us to spread the Noahide laws, which include prohibitions of sexual depravity. Thus, I should proudly stand strong against this indecency and the decay of our society. But in our politically correct environment, I feel that anything I say will appear judgmental and insensitive. How do you suggest I respond?”

If one’s siblings, relative, friend is “marrying” someone from the same gender, with chupa, kedushin and simchas chasan and kalah, should one participate?”

Rabbi Jacobson will also review the following essays submitted in the MyLife: Chassidus Applied contest: “The Root of Happiness: Self-realization or Serving a Purpose?” by Nechama Mina Berenstein, “Staying in the Moment” by Sara Spielman, “Healing from PTST through the Teachings of Tanya” by Rivka Mazal Tauber. These and other essays can be read online at meaningfullife.com/mylife/contest/.

And finally, here is the Chassidus question of the week (our new feature): I understand that the ten sefiros define the structure of all Hishtalshelus. In this context how are we to understand the composition of matter and the four foundational elements (fire, wind, water and earth)? Is all matter and the elements derived from the ten sefiros as well? When I look at a human body, animal, tree, car, roads for example; or when I listen to a voice, music; smell or taste or touch something, is it related to the sefiros?

This hour-long dose of insights is meant to inform, inspire and empower us by applying the teachings of Chassidus to help us face practical and emotional challenges and difficulties in our personal lives and relationships. To have your question addressed, please submit it at www.meaningfullife.com/mylife.

The topics in this Sunday’s hour-long broadcast will include:

  • Chassidus Applied to Elul
  • What defines a ‘frum’ Jew? (follow-up)
  • Same gender marriage
  • Preventing pedophilia
  • How to be more organized according to Chassidus
  • Children and violence
  • Chassidus question: What is the role of the Ten Sefiros?
  • MyLife Essays: Staying in the moment, the root of happiness, Healing from PTST through Tanya

MyLife: Chassidus Applied addresses questions that many people are afraid to ask and others are afraid to answer. When asked about the sensitive topics he has been addressing, Rabbi Simon Jacobson commented, “I understand that the stakes are high, but the silence and lack of clarity on matters plaguing the community can no longer go unaddressed. The stakes of not providing answers are even higher.”

The on-going series has provoked a significant reaction from the community, with thousands of people viewing each live broadcast and hundreds of questions pouring in. At the root of every question and personal challenge tackled by the series is the overarching question: Does Judaism have the answers to my personal dilemmas?

In inimitable “Jacobson-fashion”, the broadcast answers people’s questions in simple, clear language while being heavily sourced. Each episode is jam-packed with eye-opening advice from the Rebbeim, gleaned from uncovering surprising gems in their letters, sichos, and maamorim that address our personal issues with disarming relevance. Simultaneously, Rabbi Jacobson is able to crystallize a concept quickly, succinctly, and poignantly for any level of listener.

All episodes are immediately available for viewing in the MLC’s archive and can be downloaded as MP3’s for listening on the go.

MyLife is now available as a podcast and can be streamed or downloaded from iTunes.

Questions may be submitted anonymously at www.meaningfullife.com/mylifelive.


  • Stone age your environment

    It is true that these horrific tendecies have been around since time immemorial But now, with the internet and “mainstream” media flooding the world
    with this stuff, the tendecies and curiosities into these disgusting perversions will only multiply at unusually high rate. Even the best filters will not prevent these ideas from getting through.
    You know, just a generation ago, who ever heard of “same-gender” marriage? Now, hardly a day goes by without the media glorifying and elevating these perverts to be respected like KINGS!
    May I suggest that, at the very least, stone age your home as much as pragmatically possible – no internet access of any kind, no TV/Radio, no secular newspapers, etc. Even a generation ago, I would have suggested this. Now, al achas v’kamma! If you really need it, go to a place for it, but don’t have it in the house.
    You can have a non-internet-connected computer or video player, where you can control its content. Check every so-often to make sure your kids did not install something for internet access.

  • The "feminist" movement

    That’s what depraved Western society. But
    it all started out, at first, innocently. So, they demanded things, like the right to vote, drive, work, and got it.

    But the yetzer hara had a way to take advantage and promote a slow, sly and incremental way of destroying the moral ethics (common to judaism and Xtianity) that this country was founded on.

    Even though women won these rights, women were still women, and men were men. But, the “feminists” were not satisfied with that. “We should also be allowed to do traditionally men’s work, men’s sports, military service, wear pants, etc.” So, what happens, women become like men, and guess what, men decide to be like women! One of the biggest supporters of “gay rights,” were the feminists.

    This is a perfect example of the mussar excerpt in Kuntres U’mayon. The evil one is crafty. Doesn’t tell you to, at first, eat treif. First, he indulges you into permissible things. Then, slowly, but surely, not only does that eventually lead to eating treif, but even avodah zara, ch”v!

  • i think...

    let’s first tackle the sexual perversions we have within our very own communities before we self-righteously tell others how to live their lives.
    The pedophiles in our midst, the ‘frum, lubavitch’ men and women behaving in ways that destroy marriages, families and homes are a MUCH greater threat to our community than a peaceful gay couple will ever be.
    Gay couples should be viewed just as we view someone who eats non-kosher, is mechalel shabbos etc. It’s not what the Torah wants, but it is their choice. Peace out!

    • Mistaken

      You are completely mistaken.

      Sexual perversion causes the complete destruction of human morality. There is a reason why there are so many laws about Arayos in the Torah.

      A Jew eating Treif does not have that same affect or impression on society.

  • Seven Mitzvos Bnai Noach

    Simple: non-kosher, mechalel shabbos, etc., is our business. But, the seven Noachide laws is everyone’s obligation, Jew or Gentile.
    Does this that we, unfortunately, have it among us negate our responsibility to promote the Rebbe’s directive in disseminating these instructions to the Goyim?
    Okay, Where does it end?! If gay is okay, then so should blasphemy, atheism, no courts, incest, polygamy, bestiality, znus, etc. be promoted and glorified. Does anyone else get hurt by these choices?

  • Rabbi Dr. Gershom Taub, Ph.D

    My experience dealing with these little devils has been quite euphorious and clinically rewarding. Under my care these ‘monsters’ are taught how to love and conquer their thoughts through focused medication and gradual reintegration. I welcome the hypothesis that reveals more than most non doctors can acheive on their own although my therapy has been superfluous. A must read is ‘G-d of our Understanding’ by Rabbi Dr. Shais Taub, who is also my son and an expert in addiction therapy. His knowledge is only surpassed by his undivisiveness and virtuous qualities as a leader of his congregants. For all those who need firmness in loving such fellows I highly recommend my son’s book and my own evidenced practice in the works of these shared goals.

  • the question is...

    do you cry out the same when one of the other 7 mitzvos is transgressed or condoned or OK’d by societal standards?

    If not, why? Why does this particular one make you so queasy?

    If yes, kudos to you. I just hope you remember to do it bedarkey noam ub’darkey sholom. Much more can be accomplished that way than with zealotry and aggression.

  • just thinking

    perhaps the world has sunken so morally low because we as Jews (and yes, frum, chasidic, Lubavitch) have?
    what we do affects the world. We are supposed to be a light unto the nations, yet there is so much perversion in our own midst: incest, pedophilia, extramarital affairs, molestation, etc etc. wake up and smell the coffee.
    Perhaps if we focus inwards, pointing to ourselves first, cleaning up our ow act, the world will follow suit.
    Let’s lead by example with OUR purity and health.

  • Still revolting

    I would like think that, even in today’s day and age, doing it with animals is still queasy to the vast majority, even liberals. But watch, just as, with time and propaganda, same-gender relations became no big deal anymore, so, likewise, as time goes on, bestiality will be acceptable.