is launching a weekly lecture series which will tackle one of the most mystifying, controversial and central topics in Jewish life: Moshiach (the Messiah).

Weekly Lectures to Unravel the Mystery of the Messiah is launching a weekly lecture series which will tackle one of the most mystifying, controversial and central topics in Jewish life: Moshiach (the Messiah).

For many, the utopian idea of peace between all nations, and the eradication of war, hunger, strife and all evil is impossible to believe, while for others the dream of the return of the Holy Temple, complete with animal sacrifices, is more aptly described as a nightmare

The new lecture series will feature renowned scholars and thinkers who will delve into this often baffling topic, shattering oft perpetuated myths, allowing viewers to discover the reality of the Messianic dream, and appreciate its meaning and purpose.

Now is the perfect opportunity to crystallize this most fundamental Jewish idea. Join us each Monday evening at 8:30 PM, beginning on Aug 15, and never again be confused, afraid or hesitant about Moshiach.

The “Weekly Moshiach Lectures Series” is a project of the International Moshiach Campaign and

Special thanks to Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, Rabbi Chaim Hershkowitz and Rabbi Meir Simcha Kogen for their assistance with this project.


  • Shnei Ohr

    how long is each class?
    and is this a weekly class – over how long – a year? or just a few classes!!!

    thank you!

    really looking forward to this! I always wanted to be able to learn inyonei geulah umoshiach from home – with a good speaker.

    thank you!!!

    wwwway overdue!

  • Eli

    Gee I thought Chabad already unraveled the mystery of who it is :-) Well, can’t wait to find out!