Beginning the week of February 6th, tens of thousands of Jews from around the globe are expected to attend JLI's new course, Toward a Meaningful Life, which be running simultaneously in over 300 cities across North America and around the world.

New Pellin Video Features JLI’s Toward a Meaningful Life Course

Beginning the week of February 6th, tens of thousands of Jews from around the globe are expected to attend JLI’s new course, Toward a Meaningful Life, which be running simultaneously in over 300 cities across North America and around the world.

The course, Toward a Meaningful Life, was authored by Rabbi Simon Jacobson, author of the famed book with the same title. Although the course is based on the popular themes and unique style that made the book a big hit, this new JLI course consists entirely of new content. Special features include 2-minute meditations, hands-on learning activities, and toolbox exercises that allow the ideas to resonate with students and assist them in discovering personal meaning in their lives.

Due to the nature of the topic, JLI instructors around the globe are planning for an unprecedented turnout. The course material has received highly acclaimed endorsements from celebrities, authors, and academics in the field of positive psychology including Harvard professors Ellen Langer and Tal Ben-Shahar; director of the Viktor Frankl Institute in Vienna, Alexander Batthyány; and many others.

The popular syndicated radio talk show host, Dennis Prager, commented on this course “There is not a single person on earth who lacks meaning and is happy. If that doesn’t commend this magnificent JLI course, Toward a Meaningful Life, taught by some of the wisest men around the world, I do not know what will.”

For more information about the course or to register, you can visit JLI’s newly updated website,



    CAREFUL!!!! Do not copy their search in the video! It will bring you to sites which contain Avodah Zorah. It is a shame that they have resorted to this and people who promote songs like whip my beard which is from a not Jewish song.

  • unimpressed

    What a totally ridiculous attempt of a ‘video’
    If it was meant to be amusing or whatever. . . it SO was not!
    Absolute waste of time. . . SO unimpressed

  • Moshe

    Talk about ”Difference of opinion!” numbers 2 and 3. . .
    Though I def agree with no.2

  • concerned mother

    I think Mendy Pellis is the ‘poster boy’ of why our children are turning off the path! He’s making such videos OK for our kids to watch etc………. Would the Rebbe approve of this???

  • Fantastic!!!

    Excellent Video! Love it!
    Mendy Pelin Keep up the great work.
    JLI always on the cutting edge.

  • Disgusted...

    To Concerned Mother and Avodah Zorah man,

    How do you know they cover immoral songs? Seems like you’re sneaking in some MTV when the wife’s not around, huh? Let me put this in language you’d understand. If the Rebbe heard the cover, do you think he’d say, “I can’t believe they’re covering that filthy song by a 9 year old girl”? More likely it would be “Wow, music sure has changed in the last 18 years I’ve been gone”. You don’t seem to have a problem with most Gan Israel songs which rip off secular music. Chabad even ripped off the French national anthem! Has this led to a crisis of wide-spread baguette over consumption among our youth? There is no one holding a poster for why your children are leaving. I left Yeshiva because of hypocrites like you, so why don’t you remove the empty poster and hold up a mirror?