In connection to the massacre that took place in Yerushalayim today, in which the lives of a number of Yeshiva Students were taken from this world. The following is a very moving and uplifting “Yechidus” that took place with an IDF commander and the Rebbe, regarding the Death of two Israeli Soldiers following the Yom Kippur war in 1973. it's an Excerpt from the new book on the Rebbe to see more information about the book click:

"Battle weary and depressed by the constant fighting, the officer expressed his wish that there be no more combat with enemies. Being realistic, however, and acknowledging that it was highly plausible that there would more conflict, he asked the Rebbe's opinion on whether there would be another war, or whether perhaps the Arabs had been so discouraged, during the Yom Kippur War, that they would never muster the confidence to fight again.

IDF commander: “But why my child..the Rebbe just cried”

In connection to the massacre that took place in Yerushalayim today, in which the lives of a number of Yeshiva Students were taken from this world. The following is a very moving and uplifting “Yechidus” that took place with an IDF commander and the Rebbe, regarding the Death of two Israeli Soldiers following the Yom Kippur war in 1973. it’s an Excerpt from the new book on the Rebbe to see more information about the book click:

“Battle weary and depressed by the constant fighting, the officer expressed his wish that there be no more combat with enemies. Being realistic, however, and acknowledging that it was highly plausible that there would more conflict, he asked the Rebbe’s opinion on whether there would be another war, or whether perhaps the Arabs had been so discouraged, during the Yom Kippur War, that they would never muster the confidence to fight again.

“At the moment,” came the reply, “the Arabs are merely unable to attack. However, given time to recover and regroup, they will surely seek opportunities to instigate conflict. To further crush their forces and minimize the chance of future clashes, the army should have advanced to Damascus and Cairo when it had the chance. Although the government did not approve, the army should have continued anyway–ignoring the lack of permission from the government. It was a crucial and perilous moment, and we should have continued pressing the main cities.

”Why didn’t Arik Sharon continue going into Cairo?“ the Rebbe exclaimed. ”He was just one hundred kilometers from there! Excusing the decision, the government claims that there was insufficient fuel to reach there. However, this is very difficult to accept; the Egyptians seemed to have no shortage of fuel, and if Sharon, as conqueror, had decided to use that fuel, no one could prevent him.

“Have you ever flown over Cairo?” asked the Rebbe, staring inquisitively at the officer.

“Yes,” the officer responded, proceeding to describe with minute detail the layout of the city.

“In that case,” challenged the Rebbe, “why didn’t you take the necessary planes, fly there, and conquer the city yourself? Coming in with those planes, you would have easily surprised them and effortlessly taken control. If that had been accomplished, with Cairo in our hands for even a very short period, the present situation would be completely different. ”

Unable to persuade the Rebbe to accept his position, the military officer asked about something which had been troubling him for a long time. In a devastating fashion, his close friend Zurik was recently murdered during a terrorist attack, just two years after Zurik’s losing his brother Udi in the latest war. It was inconceivable that one family should deserve to bear so much anguish, losing two members in a short span. How could G-d have permitted this? Where was He?

Distressed at the tale of sorrow and unable to control his tears, the Rebbe began to weep. He finally replied, “Indeed, the story you tell me is frightening and upsetting; we are tempted, when hearing such an account, to question G-d and conclude that He does not really dictate what transpires in this world. We must, however, remember that we mortals cannot aspire to understand the intricacies of His divine wisdom.

”Having studied Torah all my life, at seventy-three years old and still studying and adding to my Torah knowledge, I feel that I have attained a level of wisdom. Nonetheless, the extent of my wisdom is ridiculous when compared to G-d’s. Therefore, we must not come to preposterous conclusions based on our judgment of events around us. Although there is much we do not comprehend, often in retrospect we come to an appreciation of the righteousness of His decisions. Perhaps time will demonstrate the virtue of Udi’s and Zurik’s premature deaths; perchance, many Jewish fatalities were avoided as a result of these casualties.“

”Are you worried,“ asked the officer, moving to a new topic, ”about living as a Jew here in Brooklyn, in a non-Jewish environment?“

”As a soldier you are surely aware,“ answered the Rebbe, ”that during the time of combat there is no chance to reflect on your fear. You must fight with courage and sincerity, regardless of how you feel. Similarly, when I am immersed in my work, even if the extraneous conditions are unfriendly, I have faith and trust in G-d, because He alone controls what takes place here on earth, and is looking out for the interests of every Jew.“

”But,“ persisted the Israeli, ”why don’t you move to Israel? Your revered stature and dynamic manner will certainly influence the political and religious scene. Aware that many people questioned you regarding this, I have heard several different replies, but, the replies are unsatisfactory, and for me the question remains.“

The Rebbe answered, ”Living in Israel and enduring the responsibilities that would come with it, my influence on world Jewry would be restricted. Inevitably, my controversial position on issues would limit my capability of communicating with Jews, both outside of Israel, in Moscow, for example, and in Israel; in fact, even this conversation would be impossible in Tel Aviv. I find this place the most conducive for my work.”


  • A Jew mourning in Israel

    Living in Israel at the moment, I am feeling the fear and the pain that our nation is enduring here on every level… terror, financial, emotional crises… and look to the Rebbe to help make sense of it all… and give strength to go on to tomorrow and feel that G-d truly is with us in our suffering. Moshiach Now.

  • aliza

    the terror attack was on Jewish men learning Torah in a Yeshiva library in the holy city of Yerushalaim.

    the Yeshiva library is not located on land the UN or the US consider controversial.

    the Rebbe spoke about Shlaimos HaAretz. he told us not to get into politics. as ususal the wisdom of the Rebbe telling us to stay out of politics is now clear (no space to go into details) so that is why the Rebbe did not speak to us about politics he spoke about Shlaimos HaAretz and Pikuach Nefesh.

    young Jewish men gunned down in their own Yehsiva library while learning!!!! does anyone relate to that? or do some people still think its politics.

    what can you do. the Rebbe said that spreading Yiddishkeit will save Eretz Yisroel. we can understand this on a spiritual level and a material level as well. once people are closer to Yiddishkeit they can understand the Rebbe point of view on Shlaimos HaAretz more easily. but they have to be taught the Rebbe’s views in order to understand them. the second thing is to scream. there is a way to scream. it is not by sitting down. we are not supposed to stand by our brothers blood. so people are opting to sit. they sit by their computer and send an online petition. it goes nowhwere and does nothing! to accomplish you cannot just sit. you also cannot join forces with anyone who flies the blue and white flag. i have heard a van is going to the dinner for Manhigut Yehudit. yuck! now that is politics and their allegiance to the flag is a sure sign they are ineffective.

    the Rebbe spoke so much about Shlaimos HaAretz. he did speak out against the arabs. not about the President of the US or even the state department. he did not bother with blaming the UN. what else are we to expect from them? the responsibility remains with the Jews.

    the terrorist in Rosh Chodesh Adar Sheni attack used a rifle supplied to him by the government in Eretz Yisroel.

    we are to influence the Jews. teach the Jews what the Rebbe said. that includes Jews in America who give their entire support to the democratically elected government.

    what can an individual do? it takes time. it takes effort. you are not going to like my idea. you are going to tell me that if you cannot make a big change you cannot be bothered with making a little scratch on the surface. i beleive a gentleman speaking from 770 taught us that we can all make a difference. if you want to put in effort here is one way for an individual to scream and be heard.

    send letters to the editors of Jewish papers. do not just rant and scream and call names. and i am not sure you can just preach what the Rebbe said. the way i have done it is to actually read the rag, or site, focus on one of their news stories and politely show them how the Rebbe would view the situation. it takes work. on honestreporting dot com they have instructions for writing successful letters to editors. if you cannot find the page, email them and they will send it to you. study the methods. spend time writing and you will get printed and it will be the Rebbe’s message. you can write a million articles about what the Rebbe said. the odds are they will not get printed. the odds are much higher if you do a letter to the editor. but you have to take the time to do it right.

    Moshiach Now!!!

    from the Hilton Hotel in Burlington at the Nshei Chabad Convention

  • A Mother of an IDF Soldier

    Thank you Techie for this artical…it really hit the spot…how much we need the Rebbe back. It’s really so sad…thank you please please keep on posting from this book!

  • Obvious BIG blunder!

    What did the Rebbe say about giving
    up land? The answer is well known. He
    was adamant not to even TALK about it,
    even the SINAI! So, we didn’t listen and did the “peace” experiment, as one Bnai Brith leader said, “Now, nobody’s being naive enough to think this is for sure going to work.It might not work. But let’s give peace a chance, and, if it does not work, we’ll cross that bridge when we get there.” Okay, Bnai Brith, show us how to cross the bridge now. There is enough empirical and expermiental data to “scientifically”

    Rabbi Meir Kahane,HY“D,said, ”they realized they could not destroy Israel militarily, so what did they resort to?
    The “PEACE” invasion.“ WOW, how right he was! Look what they got through ”peace,“ Sinai, Gaza, Judea, Samaria…next is Yerushalayim, Tel Aviv, etc., R”L!

  • emily

    i cant belive what happened its just so sad how eight boys can be torn from this world while they were learning torah! this world we live in is soo crazy we just cant let it go by just like that every time a deatgh or some tradegy happens we all cry and we try to be better and then slowly the inspirtation brushes off and we go back to ur regukar odl lifestyles we need to do soemthing NOW that will bring moshiach now and be the end of these horrible days of golus!

  • Mipi Olelim

    The previous Rebbe in his moving discouse given on purim katan 1927 spoke about Haman’s plot to completely destroy the Jewish nation.

    His plan was to begin with the Jewish children r”l. Coyping Achaz before him he correctly deduced that as long as Jewish children were studying Torah, the Jewish people would remain strong.

    At that time an Ish Yehudi – Mordechai Hatzadik who was the extension of Moshe Rabbeinu is his generation stood up and gathered 22,000 Jewish children to publicly study Torah with them.

    When they saw Haman approaching they told Mordechai we are with you in life or in death but we will not part from the Torah.

    It is the mipi olelim… the Torah uttered from the mouths of Babes and sucklings that silences the enemy and avenger.

    It is difficult if not altogether impossible for us to comprehend how those who Torasam umnasam were murdered in cold blood while uttering the holy words of Torah.

    From the previous Rebbe’s discourse and the countless directives of the Rebbe, I think it is imperitive that we gather ALL Jewish children together in public displays of Torah study.

    I’m not sure exactly how this can be done but I’m sure that if we can all get over our differences and come together the power of the holy words of Torah being uttered by Jewish children in pure breath will pierce the heavens and end this bitter exile.

    Father in heaven perhaps it is time for you to be more like a mother than a father!