Bozeman Gazette News
Bozeman, MT — From its rapid rise on the popularity map just about a decade ago, the study of Kabbalah - Jewish mysticism - has remained all the rage, with Jews and non-Jews alike, from celebrities to unknowns, finding more meaning in life through ancient spiritual teachings.

And now, thanks to the Chabad Lubavitch of Montana and the Chabad Jewish Student Group at MSU, Kabbalah is coming to town.

Chabad brings Kabbalah to Bozeman

Bozeman Gazette News

Bozeman, MT — From its rapid rise on the popularity map just about a decade ago, the study of Kabbalah – Jewish mysticism – has remained all the rage, with Jews and non-Jews alike, from celebrities to unknowns, finding more meaning in life through ancient spiritual teachings.

And now, thanks to the Chabad Lubavitch of Montana and the Chabad Jewish Student Group at MSU, Kabbalah is coming to town.

Rabbi Dr. Laibl Wolf, an authority on the intersection of psychology, spirituality and Kabbalah, will lecture on Kabbalah Aug. 27 at 7:30 p.m. at the Strand Union Building at Montana State University. Admission for the lecture is $15, or $6 for students. There is an early bird special of $10, if paid before Wednesday.

Wolf, a native of Australia, is an attorney, educator and ordained rabbi. A global teacher of psycho-spiritual training and leadership development, Wolf is in the United States for a series of seminars and retreats.

Through his disciplined approach entitled “Mind Yoga,” Laibl’s audiences are able to master their emotions and empower their lives. Although a Hassidic rabbi, his teachings are universal, open to people of all backgrounds and spiritual orientations. His teachings focus on personal growth and emotional mastery.

Wolf is the founder and director of the Human Development Institute, which is dedicated to the progress of humankind through insight and personal mastery. He received his rabbinic ordination from the Chief Rabbi of Israel, and has studied under great Hassidic masters, his foremost mentor being the revered Lubavitcher Rebbe, the last in the line of spiritual leaders of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement until his death in 1994

Wolf has written and produced a series of meditation and self-mastery audiovisual materials, which are sold internationally, and he is the author of the best-selling book, “Practical Kabbalah” (Three Rivers Press of Random House, Inc., 1999). He has lectured in more than 370 cities around the globe. Wolf lives in Melbourne, Australia, with his wife, Leah, and the youngest two of their seven children.

Wolf’s seminar (or “spiritual adventure” as he likes to call it), will teach:

• The difference between love and exploitation.

• To look for the tell-tale signs of inadequacy.

• How frightened men learn to commit.

• How pliable women learn assertiveness.

• How to enhance your relationships with others.

For more information, contact Rabbi Chaim Bruk at 406-585-8770, or e-mailhim at