Georgia Chabad Raises $255k for New Home
From the Atlanta Jewish Times:
Two months after unveiling its new home south of Cumming, Chabad of Forsyth took a big step toward securing its financial foundation by raising more than a quarter of a million dollars in 24 hours.
Like other Jewish organizations that have run one-day crowdfunding campaigns on the Charidy.com platform the past couple of years, Chabad of Forsyth lined up three sets of donors to match contributions on a 3-to-1 basis, so that each dollar pledged was worth $4 to the first Jewish congregation in Forsyth County.
When the campaign launched at noon Sunday, Aug. 13, the goal was $170,000 — $42,500 from pledges and the balance from matching gifts. Driving donations by email and phone, Rabbi Levi Mentz needed only about three-fourths the time allotted to reach the goal.
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USA Georgia not the Russian 1
Again this is Forsyth County, Georgia, USA not the 1 that used to be apart of the Russian Republic, bec already 2 x on this website we had clarify which Georgia it was, was it the 1 that used to be apart of the USSR or was it the 1 in the USA, b”h we have no took care of this issue, the reason for that is, is bec there are Jews in the Georgia, Russia country which usually have Isrealis as their Shluchim in contrast to Georgia USA where we have USA Shluchim, this is great that we could clearly differentiate bet the 2 Georgias, unfortunately it’s makes it very confusing when we have to show the difference & ask to make sure it’s in the USA, B”H now we know that Forsyth County, is in the US Georgia, ty ty
Looked it up
Yes I just looked it up this Chabad House is yes in the US Georgia & it’s in the city of Cummings, Georgia USA, acc to the article it says south of Cummings, but when u put it in Google maps the actual city it’s in is Cummings Georgia, USA not Cummings, Georgia, Russia bec if we didn’t clarify we wouldn’t know, ty CH for letting us know that this is in the US, it is possible that the Chabad House could have been in Russia with English writing as well, but it does make sense that this is in the US bec non of the writing is in Russian or the Georgian Language which they speak there.
Oh, for goodness’ sake, genug shein. The very first line is “From the Atlanta Jewish Times”; what more do you want? If that didn’t make it clear to you which Georgia was the story’s subject then nothing will. It’s not as if it’s even slightly unusual for two places to use the same name. How many shluchim are there in Springfield?