Students Build Replicas of Famous Synagogues
from the Cleveland Jewish News:
On the last day of the school year for Solon Chabad’s Hebrew school, students started setting up exhibit tables to show off the work the students put into creating eight replicas of synagogues from around the world.
Rabbi Zushe Greenberg said the replica project was another installment of a yearly hands-on project series that the school’s older division does at the end of each school year. Last year’s project focused on what Jewish heroes and a “wax museum,” where students dressed as a Jewish hero and presented research on the person.
Students learned about Jewish communities all around the world and Greenberg said their studies led them to create the replicas. The project was inspired by the Diaspora Museum in Tel Aviv, which produced something similar.
Click here to continue reading at the Cleveland Jewish News.
Really cool
So neat!! I wish there were more representatives of Sephardic and Mizrahi synagogues as well….the one in Bulgaria is incredible, and Turkey and Lebanon also have incredible ones. Even though the ones in Lebanon are, for the most part, no longer in use….
And the main synagogue of Costa Rica is the single most beautiful and well-designed synagogue that I have ever been lucky enough to attend.