Republican Presidential Hopeful Visits Model Matzah Bakery

Republican presidential candidate Senator Ted Cruz visited a model Matzah in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn Thursday afternoon while on the campaign trail in New York. He was greeted by Rabbi Moshe Winner of the Chabad Neshama Center and together with a group of children they baked Mazah and spoke about Passover.

Article being updated

As the senator was leaving Rabbi Winner handed him a box of Shmura Matzah along with a copy of book “Rebbe” by Joseph Telushkin.

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  • President Cruz IY"H

    Heard him speak at the Shul. Voted for him in the Florida primary.

    Go Ted! Bless you!

  • funny!

    it said today (thursday) on 1010 wins radio that ted cruz is going to visit today a “matzah factory”, that does not look like a factory to me!!!

  • Chaim Hershkop

    Ted Cruz is a mensch, a person who stands for principles! Ted Cruz will IY”H have my vote come April 19.

  • Dispatch from Houston

    My son knows the people who host him for Sedorim, yes he actually goes! A true friend of Israel, and Philo-Semite.

  • Milhouse

    Remember that each congressional district elects the same 3 delegates, no matter how many or few Republican voters it has. Four years ago, here in NY-9, fewer than 3200 votes were cast in the Republican primary. And those Republicans elect the same 3 delegates as an upstate district with 32,000 Republican voters. So a vote in the city can be worth as much as 10 votes upstate. And we NYC Republicans know he was right about “New York values”; we see them around us every day and we know they are degenerate and corrupt.