Chabad on Campus will Bring Light to 170 Campuses

Chabad on Campus International Foundation has partnered with Alpha Epsilon Pi International, the largest Jewish fraternity, to ensure that every AEPi house will receive a Menorah kit including a Menorah, Chanukah guide, dreidels, chocolate gelt, and a “Chanukah Party Guide”. Kits are being sent to 170 AEPi chapters in the United States, Canada, Europe and Israel.

For tens of thousands of Jewish students away from their communities, Chabad on Campus will be their “home away from home” this Chanukah. On over 200 campuses across North America and around the world, Shluchim are busily distributing thousands of Menorah kits, and using social media to market hundreds of on-campus giant Menorah lightings and Chanukah parties.