Orange County Kids Celebrate Israel Day and Mother’s Day

Chabad of Orange County Hebrew School students learned about their connection to and the history of the Holy Land of Israel at a special Israel Day program. The students also celebrated Mother’s Day with a unique program called “Honoring Ima.”

The carnival-style day included a virtual tour of Israel with Rabbi Pesach and Chana Burston, Israeli Dancing led by Limor Einav, owner of Younique Fitness ‘N Dance of Monroe, IDF Army Drills led by Guy Einav, Krav Maga led be Yuri of Mixed Martial Arts of Pomona, Hummus workshop by Rabbi Pesach, falafel stand, letter to the Western Wall, letters to Israel Defense Force soldiers, Israeli Jewelry making and more!

Students also celebrated Mother’s Day with a unique program called “Honoring Ima” (Hebrew for mother). Children prepared smoothies and muffins to present to their moms, along with a poem.  Both mothers and students decorated mini frames and wrote what inspires them about one another.  Rabbi Pesach and Chana spoke about the biblical commandment to “Honor one’s father and mother” – that every day we have the obligation to show great respect and love to our parents.

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One Comment

  • Zalmy Schapiro

    very interesting Israel Day and Mother’s Day now that is what I call a party was there any burgers and hotdogs?:):):):) I see only one picture of a person eating falafel on a PITA :):)