“I’m a Jew and I’m Proud!”

The sounds of Jewish music was blasting loudly in the streets of Brighton Beach, as close to a thousand people celebrated the new Sefer Torah of the Chabad Neshama Center.

The overflowing crowd of adults and children, mostly from Russian Jewish families, marched proudly in the celebration of their Jewishness – something their families were unable to do in the Soviet Union. Wearing special Torah Parade shirts and crowns and carrying flags and theme balloons they eagerly embraced and kissed the new Torah as they sang out loud in English and Russian “I’m a Jew and I’m proud!”

The Torah was donated by Helen Zegerman Schwimmer, in memoryof her parents, on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary since she and her husband, Dr. Richard Schwimmer, received a blessing from the Rebbe and became close friends with Rabbi Zushe and Esther Winner, Head Shliach of Brighton Beach and founder of the Chabad Center.

Helen and Rebbetzin Winner later made the award winning video “A Taste of Shabbos,” and traveled throughout the country inspiring audiences with their story.

After completing the final letters of the Torah, the parade started in front of the Seabreeze Jewish Center, where Rabbi Winner serves as the spiritual leader. Helen, together with Rebbetzin Esther Winner,followed the marchers in a horse drawn coach. The parade continued onto Ocean Parkway to the Chabad Neshama Center, where Hakofos dancing concluded the parade, followed by an acrobatic performance by the French Twins.

As the procession crossed Brighton Beach Avenue, with many more watching from the balconies of the high rise buildings, a visibly moved senior said in her heavy Russian accent, “This is the happiest moment in my life. Next year in Yerushalayim!”


  • eli

    The shluchim of Rebbe in Brighten Beach is F.R.E.E. headed by Rabbi Hirshel Okonuv. Rabbi Winner is a Shliach in West Brighten.

  • Winners are Winners!

    Wonderful job Winners!
    You are dedicated shluchim and an amazing family!
    Siyum Sefer Torahs are beautiful occasions.

  • Aizik Homler

    There is no neighborhood in NY city called West Brighton. The area west of Ocean Parkway is called Coney Island.

    Why do people make up names that don’t exist!!

    it’s time all Adults stop acting like children.

  • student

    I love rabbi winner come there every chanukah.
    btw FREE is a great org based out of crownheights
    Not shluchim in brighton beach

  • from your friend in Israel

    Awesome stuff!
    all the winner’s looking great.
    keep rock’n Brighton Beach!